Birth Name: Karl Auerbach

Nova Name: Blade

Eruption: ???

Nature: Leader

Allegiance: Project Utopia


Strength: 5, Brawl 5

Dexterity: 5, Athletics 5, Drive 5, Firearms 5, Legerdemain 1, Martial Arts 5, Melee 5,

     Pilot 5, Stealth 1

Stamina: 5, Endurance 5, Resistance 5


Perception: 5, Awareness 5, Investigation 5

Intelligence: 5, Academics 5, Bureaucracy 2, Computer 5, Engineering 5,

     Intrusion 5, Linguistics 5 (Lots), Medicine 5, Science 5, Survival 1

Wits: 5, Arts 1, Rapport 1


Appearance: 5, Style 1

Manipulation: 2, Interrogation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1

Charisma: 2, Command 5, Etiquette 1


Backgrounds: Backing 3, Resources 4


Willpower: 10



Quantum: 1

Quantum Pool: 28


Mega-Attributes: Mega-Stamina 1 (Resiliency), Mega-Intelligence 1 (Eidetic



Quantum Powers: Alter Data (bought as a standalone level 2 power, Limiter: touch

     only, must attach cables, -1 NP), Body Modification (1 NP, unaging, double

     Stamina to resist disease or genetic damage)



Karl only remembers back 3 years when he woke up in the laboratory in South America.  He was fully grown at the time and had a computer made of some form of organic goo embedded in his skull, a tiny bit of it sticking like gray putty out of his skull above his left ear.  He could stick the end of any I/O cable into that putty and use Alter Data on that machine, it being some sort of omni-interface, to which he was linked.  His mind had encyclopaedic knowledge of hundreds of skills and knowledges, although surprising gaps also existed, and he knows that he is only using a tenth of the potential of the organic super-computer in his brain.  Most people in his situation would wonder where he came from or why he had lost his memories (or whether he had every had them to lose in the first place), but he really doesn’t seem to care.  He hacked around for a while, found the Project Utopia public files and decided that this was where he belonged.


He moved to their main headquarters in Ades Abeba without a seconds thought, stopping only to get some clothing (since he didn’t seem to have any in the lab) and arrange himself a plane ticket and passport via his rather prodigous hacking talents.  Exploring his vast memory en route to the Medellin airport, he realized that he spoke Spanish and Kiswahili and had access to Atlases full of data about the locations he was in and was headed, along with hundreds of others.


He showed up at Ades Abeba and displayed his intellect and skills with some data he had pirated from the local OpNet en route, knowing before his trainers that he was home.  He recognized parts of the building, although no one present recognized him, he was sure that he had either been here before or that whomever had force-dumped all this information into his head had been here before.


Going by the codename Blade, Karl (having taken the name Karl Auerbach

from a labcoat abandoned in the place of his ‘birth’) moved into training, since his talents weren’t particularly suited to combat, even though he could usually keep himself alive in training scenarios with the more combative Novas.  He occassionally displays his areas of greatest ignorance in human social interactions, almost like the newborn he is in mind.  His body seems to be around 20-ish and is in perfect condition, seemingly unable to retain an ounce of body fat and being the aryan ideal of tall, blonde, blue-eyed perfection.


Despite a small flock of advances from various co-workers at various times throughout his training, he seems oddly restrained when it comes to developing relationships.  His rapid-fire analytical bluntness often drives away anyone attracted by his looks, as he is unashamedly open about anything that crosses his mind, having not yet developed much tact or subtlety.  His tendency to think about several things at once, and quite absently ignore anyone who is not saying anything he considers important, comes across as extremely rude to most people.