Birth Name: Sir James of Malebrionte

Nova Name: Champion
Eruption: ?

Nature: Paragon

Allegiance: Project Utopia


Strength: 3, Brawl 2, Might 2

Dexterity: 3, Athletics 1, Melee 4

Stamina: 4, Endurance 3, Resistance 3


Perception: 2, Awareness 2

Intelligence: 2, Academics 1, Linguistics 1 (French), Medicine 1,

     Science 1, Survival 1

Wits: 2, Arts 1,


Appearance: 2, Intimidation 2, Style 1

Manipulation: 1,

Charisma: 3, Command 1, Etiquette 1


Backgrounds: Attunement 5, Resources 4


Initiative: 6

Willpower: 5

Taint: 2

Aberrations: Aberrant Eyes, Colored Skin (optional)

Quantum: 4 (2 Tainted Quantum)

Quantum Pool: 28


Mega-Attributes: Mega-Stamina 1 (Adaptability)


Quantum Powers: Bodymorph 3 (Stone: Armor x2, Density Increase), Flight 1

     (Underwater), Hypermovement (Flight), Quantum Bolt (Lethal, Fire)


The man who calls himself Sir James of Malebrionte presumably doesn’t look

anything like he did in his pre-Eruption existence, as no record of his previous

life has been found.  To be fair, he usually wears archaic plate and mail armor,

wields a greatsword and speaks in an archaic-sounding dialect of French

or English.  His flesh is the gray of stone, with a cool, hard texture thereof,

and his eyes burn like orbs of fire and despite his outlandish claims of having

been a knight serving a mighty alchemist back in the 16th century and being

gifted with the powers of the four elements to better serve his lord and placed

into a 400 year sleep, it is generally assumed that he is a loon.  Anachronistic

sayings and words occasionally crop up and even his name is taken straight

from Mallory’s La Morte D’Arthur.


But for all that he seems to have repressed his pre-eruption life completely, to

the point of creating a whole fantasy persona, his co-workers agree that he

has great power and dedication towards the concept of the betterment of

mankind.  His talents do represent the claims he has made, that four elixers

were created, one for each of the four elements.  He claims that the blue

potion of wind gifted him with sovereignty of the skies, the green elixer of

the seas conferred upon him the ability to survive underwater, or indeed

in almost any environ, never thirsting and moving as swiftly underwater

as he could in air, the ruby draught of flame allowing him to project the

fires of judgement upon the damned, while the black oil of the earth made

his skin into stone, hard and strong as a man of granite.


He arrived to ‘take service’ with the Project of his own volition, carrying

his armor, weapons and a chest of spanish doubloons that it can be safely

assumed he found in the depths of the sea, since his powers allow him

to safely traverse said depths.