Birth Name: Ariane DaCosta

Nova Name: Alecto the Persevering Anger (Tag)


Nature: Hedonist

Allegiance: Furies (subset of the Greek Avatars team)


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4, Athletics 3, Drive 1, Legerdemain 1, Martial Arts 1, Melee 1,

    Stealth 1

Stamina: 5, Endurance 3, Resistance 3


Perception: 2, Awareness 1

Intelligence: 2, Academics 1, Computer 1, Intrusion 1, Linguistics 2 (Greek, Portuguese,


Wits: 2, Biz 1, Rapport 2


Appearance: 3, Style 3

Manipulation: 2, Subterfuge 2

Charisma: 3, Etiquette 2, Perform 1


Backgrounds: Resources 2, Influence 2, Node 2, Eufiber 1


Willpower: 6

Taint: 2

Aberrations: People around her feel drained, especially after prolonged or intimate

    contact.  She always seems manic, unless alone.

Quantum: 3 (2 Tainted Quantum)

Quantum Pool: 26


Mega-Attributes: Stamina (Regenerate)


Quantum Powers: Armor 1, Hypermovement (run) 3, Quantum Vampire (HT levels) 3


Ariane was born in Lisbon, but her parents were wealthy and had a home there, in

Crete and a chateau in Nice.  She grew up with private tutors and jet-setted about

the Mediterranean with her parents, living a truly indolent lifestyle.  After a while

she noticed that her parents didn’t seem to mind if she spent some time (say a few

months!) with ‘friends’ and she seemed to have plenty of those.  She began to spend

more time away from home, living hand-to-mouth at times in a manner that would

have shocked her parents.  She found the advances of many of the boys she met in

Monocco or Corsica to be interesting, for a while, and she would leave any social

occasion with someone, whom she would inevitably ‘live with’ for a few weeks or

months, only to move on.  She bored as quickly as her parents, having progressed

from naïve to jaded in a few short teen years.


It was with a couple of boys from Sicily that things got out of hand.  One thought

she was ‘his’ and the other disagreed, and, to her mind, both were wrong, but the

argument grew heated and the liquor had already loosened what few inhibitions

already existed between the brothers and the car spun out of control as punches

flew and they proceeded down the side of an embankment to land on the rocks a

dozen meters below with a crash that nearly killed all three of them.


Her powers manifested to save her at that time, stealing the last fleeting bits of

life-energy from the others to keep herself alive as she lay there watching them

die, drained by her own out-of-control thirst to live.  The police arrived and were

able to drag her and the bodies from the car within the hour, but she lived a

hundred years in that time with the bodies of the young men she had killed.


She kept quiet about her freakish experience, claiming that it was only a ‘miracle’

that she had survived and expressing wonders when the doctors at the hospital

claimed that she had experienced ‘eruption’ and that her newfound abilities,

whatever they were, must have saved her somehow.  She nodded dumbly and

left Sicily far behind, promising to gain control of her talents and the wisdom

to use them in a far more productive manner through the auspices of Project

Utopia.  She was recruited while training (very subtly, even she isn’t SURE

what they were pitching) for Project Proteus, but she instead developed a fear

of Project Utopia and retreated to be a freelance Nova for hire.  The job offer

from her friend and the Greek authorities sounded like the stability she needed.


Her ultimate unspoken goal is to find a man who can think of her as more than

a ‘sure thing’ and while she has found many, she has never recognized them

on sight, leaping straight into bed in a misguided attempt to find ‘love.’  Her

ultimate fear is that she will be consumed by hunger for the life-forces of others,

a fear that could well grow into a self-fulfilling prophecy…


She lies compulsively about just about anything, her traditional ‘eruption

story’ being that her father was a wealthy businessman in Rio who had

agreed to sacrifice his first born child on her 17th birthday to the vampiric

demon Setothes for success in the business world, but was found dead

in his spacious tropical home of frostbite after his ‘firstborn’ made her

own deal with the demon…