Birth Name: John Stuart

Nova Name: Wraith

Eruption: Threatening situation

Nature: Bravo

Allegiance: NYPD


Strength: 5, Brawl 2

Dexterity: 3, Athletics 4, Drive 1, Melee 1, Stealth 1

Stamina: 5, Endurance 3, Resistance 3


Perception: 3, Awareness 1

Intelligence: 2, Engineering 2, Intrusion 1, Medicine 1, Survival 2

Wits: 3, Biz 1


Appearance: 2, Intimidation 2

Manipulation: 2, Streetwise 1

Charisma: 2, Command 1, Perform 1


Backgrounds: Attunement 5, Contacts 1, Resources 2


Willpower: 6

Taint: 2

Aberrations: Fades and flickers in Decrease Density (can’t use subtly), somehow

     ‘more’ obvious in Increased Density, easier to see somehow…

Quantum: 3 (2 Tainted Quantum)

Quantum Pool: 26


Mega-Attributes: None


Quantum Powers: Density Control 5 (Full Control; can Increase or Decrease),

     Flight 1 (Limiter: only usable in Density Decrease, -1 NP), Invisibility 1

     (Limiter: only usable in Density Decrease, -1 NP)


John was raised in Manhatten, his father working on the floor in Wall Street

as a broker and his mother working part-time at a deli until his birth.  In school

he really didn’t draw much attention and he had no competing colleges vying

for his attention.  He ended up joining the Police Department and was in his

third year when a fleeing suspect locked him in a burning crackhouse in

his dash for freedom.  Panicking, John walked through the sofa-barricaded

door and panicked further to see bullets fly from the perps through his body

to impact the wall behind him.  He tried unsuccessfully to shoot back, and

failing that, to strike or grapple his attacker, but he seemed to be a ghost, and

it wasn’t until long after his assailants had fled that he discovered how to

turn solid again, also long after the other people trapped in the building,

the former ‘clients’ of the drug-peddler, had died of smoke inhalation…


The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed him, but the people at the Project

Utopia center showed him how to control his ‘ghosting’ and also that he had

other talents besides.  When he returned to the force after several months

furlough, he was provisionally accepted back, finding out from his partner

that the drug-peddler who tried to kill him had already been found dead,

probably having been killed by one of his rivals in a turf dispute, again robbing

any possibility of closure from this drama.  Instead he threw himself into his

work, eschewing any sort of ‘costume’ (especially since he had learned how to

wrap his quantum field around another to make them intangible also, and was

more than able to handle changing his uniform) or codename, although the

streets soon chose a name for him, calling him the ‘Wraith’ since he seemed

like a vengeful spirit to those he pursued, often sinking through walls to cut

someone off before solidifying into an impervious juggernaut when they ran

out of bullets…


He’s not sure when he will have saved enough lives to wake up not

smelling the sickly sweet stench of burning flesh or hear the feeble

thumps on the barricaded door or hear the cries for help that will not

come in time from the dying addicts, but he will continue until he does…