Mickey Sean Guillaime, LEGION

ST: 12 (20), DX: 15 (60), IQ: 12 (20), HT: 13 (30) (130 CP)


Combat Reflexes (15), Luck (15), Temp. Wealth: Wealthy (15) (45 CP)


Duplication 5 (375) (375 CP)


Assorted Disads (-100 CP)

Quirks (-5 CP)


Acrobatics 1-13, Judo 4-15, Karate 1-13, Throwing 1-13, Running 2-12, Staff (from Spear) 0-12, Parry Missile Weapons 1-13


Climbing 1-14, Stealth 2-15, Spear 1-14, Shortsword 1-14, Boxing 4-16, Wrestling 1-14


Fast-Draw: Pistol (+1) 1/2-15, Fast-Draw: Rifle (+1) 1/2-15, Fast-Draw: Clip (+1) 1/2-15, Speed-Load 1/2-14, Guns: Glock-17 (+2) 1/2-16, Guns: AK-47 (+2) 1/2-16, Jumping 1-15, Swimming 1-15, Shield 1/2-14


Read/Write: English 0-11, English 0-12


Breath Control 1-9, Pressure Points 1-9


Meditation 1-10, Theology: Hinduism 6-13, Chemistry 1-10, Law 2-11, Read/Write: French 1-10, Read/Write: Sanskrit 1-10, History: European 1-10


French 1-11, Hindi 1-11, Streetwise 1-11, Fast-Talk 1-11, Research 1-11, Acting 1-11, Writing 1-11, Criminolgy 2-12


First Aid 1-12, Scrounging 1/2-11, Area Knowledge: Washington D.C. 1-12


Arm Lock 1-17, Spin Kick 1-11, Elbow Strike 1/2-12, Knee Strike 1/2-13 (55 CP)

   500 CP Total

NOTES: Has studied Kalari Martial Arts Style


   Legion is a serious mercenary, taking various security jobs around the country working for political figures and security firms as a one-man squad.  He enjoys appearing all around a foe or being seen in several places at once.  Each of his Dupes appears with a 1/2-mile range headset radio, Light Body Armor and a Glock 17 with extra clip.  Between himself and his Dupes he usually has any piece of gear needed for a situation.