Kim Yeung, ONI

ST: 50 (185), DX: 17 (100), IQ: 13 (30), HT: 15 (60) (375 CP)


High Pain Threshold (10), Attractive (5) (15 CP)


Damage Resistance: 40 (120) (120 CP)


Assorted Disads (-100 CP)

Quirks (-5 CP)


Karate 1-15, Judo 1-15, Acrobatics 1-15, Bow 24-20


Stealth 1/2-15, Dancing 1/2-15, Riding: Elephant 1/2-15, Calligraphy: Japanese 1/2-15


Bicycling 1/2-16, Swimming 1/2-16, Singing 1/2-14, Fast-Draw: Arrow 2-18, Jumping 1/2-16


Read/Write: Korean 0-12, Korean 0-13


Meditation 28-18, Zen Archery 8-13, Pressure Points 2-11, Breath Control 1-10


Read/Write: Japanese 1/2-10, Read/Write: French 1/2-10, Read/Write: Mandarin 1/2-10, Read/Write: English 1/2-10, History: Asian Cultures/Other 1/2-15/9, Philosophy: Zen 14-18, Literature 2-12 


Poetry 2-13, Research 1/2-11, English 1/2-11, French 1/2-11, Mandarin 1/2-11, Japanese 1/2-11 (95 CP)

   500 CP Total

NOTES: Has studied Kyudo Martial Arts Style


   While visiting Angkor Watt on a school trip for honor students, Kim and her tourmates were attacked by Khmer Rouge radicals.  As bullets flew some of the children escaped and hid behind statues of forgotten dieties as their friends and guides were slowly hunted down and executed by the guerillas in a sadistic and bloody game of hide-n-seek.  Finally, Kim and 2 other students as well as a wounded instructor were the last survivors.  The instructor ended up drowning on her own blood as she had been shot through the lung and made enough noise in her brief death-agonies to alert a few of the guerillas to their hiding place.  As bullets began to chip away at their hiding place in an attempt to scare them out to be mowed down, the world grew dim and hazy to the three young survivors and the statues so chipped and savaged by the violence seemed to bleed and come to life beseeching the children to save them from this disgrace and avenge the horror that had happened in this holy place.  Kim became strong and indestructible, the small boy next to her was wreathed in fire and could jet it forth destructively and the older boy was apparently unchanged until they stepped forth and she saw bullets fly away from him and his merest gaze cause men to fall screaming to the ground clutching at their heads or to fly into the sky and then fall to their deaths.  She and the others berserkly slaughtered all the guerillas and in the process the young fire-meta vanished into the trees bleeding from several wounds and she blacked out when a grenade tumbled a ruin onto her.  The young psi hunted down and cruelly killed the others before freeing her and making their way to civilization.  She only wants to finish school and forget the awesome power and responsibility that she now bears.  She never wants to lose control again and never wants to revel in the use of her new powers and so will only use them in service of her country.  She has however left Korea for the U.S. as she was terrified of being conscripted and forced to use her abilities in evil ways.