the Burning Man
PL 10 (150 pp)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con
20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
[22 pp]
Attack: Melee +4, +8 hand to hand, Ranged +4 [8 pp]
Defense: +4 (+2 flat-footed) [8 pp]
Initiative: +0
Damage: +5 hand to hand (+5 fiery Strike, +10 rank
Saves: Toughness +10, Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +1 [5 pp]
Skills: Bluff 0 (+0), Climb 2 (+7), Computers 1 (+1),
Concentration 2 (+3), Craft (artistic) 2 (+2), Diplomacy 0 (+0), Disguise 8
(+8), Drive 1 (+1), Escape Artist 0 (+0), Gather Information 0 (+0), Handle
Animal 0 (+0), Intimidate 0 (+0), Investigate 0 (+0), Language (Galstandard, native), Notice 2 (+3), Perform (comedy) 6
(+6), Pilot 1 (+1), Ride 0 (+0), Search 0 (+0), Sense Motive 2 (+3), Sleight of
Hand 0 (+0), Stealth 4 (+4), Survival 0 (+1), Swim 1 (+6) [8 pp, 32 ranks in
Feats: Chokehold, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple,
Improved Pin, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization (hand to hand) 2, Equipment
[8 pp]
Equipment: firestarter (1 EP),
costume (quick-change 2, subtle)
Immunity 33 (life support 9, critical hits 2,
bullets / ballistic 5, piercing 10, bludgeoning (half damage) 5, own powers 1,
need for sleep 1) [33]
Insubstantial 1 (Flaws: Action 3 (full round action),
Duration 1 (concentration), Power Feat:
Alternate Power - Immovable 1 ) [2]
Morph 2 (anything of the same mass. Flaw: Action 3
(full round action)) [1]
Regeneration 19 (Recovery Bonus 4, Recovery Rate 13
(Bruised 3 (/round with no rest), Unconscious 1 (/round), Injured 3 (/minute),
Staggered 3 (/minute), Disabled 2 (/hour)), Ability Damage 2 (/hour),
Resurrection 1 (/week)) [19]
Strike 5 (combustible, Extra: Aura, Lingering
(continues damaging foe at -1 rank / round until it burns out at +0), Link +0
(to Snare), Flaw: Limited (must be ignited by an attack or fire effect, or via
a carried firestarter as a move action)) [10]
Snare 10 (waxy glop, Extra: Link +0 (to Strike),
Flaws: Entangle, Range (touch)) [5]
Snare 10 (waxy embrace, Extra: Engulf +0) [20]
[91 pp]
Abilities 22 + Atk/Def 16 +
Saves 5 + Skills 8 + Feats 8 + Powers 91 = 150 pp
Effigy, the Burning Man, is composed of a wax-like
substance, in a perpetual semi-solid state, with the consistency of warm peanut
butter. He can ‘firm up’ to the consistency of gelatin, or ‘soften’ to a
mayonnaise-like fluidity, to pass through solid barriers. He can form himself
into just about any shape desired, with time and effort, even being able to
alter his coloration via a process that defies analysis, but lacks the ability
to create individuals hairs or similarly extremely fine details.
He is quite strong, and his preferred tactic in a fight is
to trust to his durable body as defense, and grab the nearest medium-sized foe
in an engulfing Snare attack, shoving the hapless person into his torso, and
then walking over to his next target and smacking them around with tar-like
fists, both inflicting damage, and depositing enough ‘waxy buildup’ to Entangle
some foes.
Effigy doesn’t have any other name, and doesn’t have a
‘species’ per se. He seems to have spontaneously formed on a swampy world that
has no other intelligent life, and be the sole member of his ‘race.’ Having no
attachment to his home-world, he left with the explorers who discovered him,
learning Galstandard as his ‘native’ tongue. He
wandered around at loose ends on Earth, generally in and out of various
laboratories and universities, as often the subject of study as a student
himself, and not seeming to mind in the least that the vast majority of people
he interacted with were more interested in the ‘what’ of him than the ‘who.’
He’s actually fairly naďve, and was aimlessly touring
Earth when he heard about the Freedom Legion recruitment tryouts. Thinking it
sounded ‘fun,’ he trundled to
Technically, the fire didn’t actually damage him, but it
did scare him badly, and after this display, and having to actually render him
unconscious as his panicky flailing fiery ‘rampage’ was endangering other
recruits, his chances of being accepted went, quite literally, up in smoke. (or down in flames, or whatever)
Mortified by his display, Effigy wasn’t planning on
accepting Papercuts offer to join a team of
‘rejects,’ but Kid Silicon talked him into it, and they have since become best
friends, an unlikely ‘odd couple’ of sorts. It was Kid Silicon who helped him
get over his fear of fire, or, more specifically, his fear of being *on fire,*
and a bit of ‘shock therapy’ (repeatedly setting him on fire in controlled circumstances
and letting him stand around, realizing that it didn’t really hurt, and
actually would be an effective tactic in a fight!) cleared his fear up, to the
point where his friend was actually a little concerned at how eager he was to
set himself on fire…
Effigy and Kid Silicon are the most famous members of
Freedom’s Rejects, as Kid Silicon is a party animal (and incapable of sleep),
and drags Effigy out to all sorts of underground dances and artistic
exhibitions (and exhibitionistic exhibitions, and fire dances, and stranger
fare…). Because of his unique status, which many sentients
find fascinating and ‘goth-y’ (being the sole member
of his kind, ‘all alone in the universe’ and all that), Effigy is surprisingly
popular, and Kid Silicon’s initial intentions were a bit exploitive, since he
could drag his ‘cool’ but socially inept friend around to get into places where
he normally couldn’t, and then charm the socks (and other items of apparel) off
of people who normally wouldn’t give him the time of day. Effigy, being Effigy,
neither knows nor would care about this sort of thing, and enjoys being around
his friend in any event. Their relationship has changed significantly over the
last years, and now Kid Silicon is the famous party animal, and he no longer
‘needs’ Effigy to open doors, but chooses to drag him along anyway, into a heck
of a lot more fun, and adventure, than Effigy would ever find on his own.