Leech (never had any other name)
PL 10 (150 pp)

Abilities: Str 10/30, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10 [18 pp]

Attack: Melee +4, +8 with tentacles, +20 grapple, Ranged +4 [8 pp]
Defense: +4 (+2 flat-footed) [8 pp]
Initiative: +2
Damage: +0 hand to hand, +10 with Crushing Pin, Strike or Fatigue
Saves: Toughness +8, Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +7 [10 pp]

Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+6), Bluff 0 (+0), Climb 1 (+1), Computers 2 (+4), Concentration 0 (+2), Craft (chemical) 2 (+4), Diplomacy 0 (+0), Disguise 0 (+0), Escape Artist 2 (+6, includes +2 from Elongation), Gather Information 0 (+0), Handle Animal 2 (+2), Intimidate 0 (+0), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+6), Knowledge (earth sciences) 1 (+3), Knowledge (physical sciences) 1 (+3), Language (Aqueous, native), Language (Galstandard), Medicine 10 (+12), Notice 4 (+6), Pilot 1 (+3), Profession (doctor) 6 (+8), Ride 1 (+3), Search 2 (+4), Sense Motive 0 (+2), Sleight of Hand 2 (+4), Stealth 6 (+8), Survival 0 (+2), Swim 8 (+8)
[15 pp, 60 ranks in skills]

Feats: Ambidexterity, Attack Specialization 2 (tentacle attacks), Chokehold, Diehard, Favored Environment 4 (underwater), Grappling Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Instant Up, Crushing Pin (MM)
[15 pp]

Racial ‘powers’ Container 3 (Additional Limbs 3 (total eight tentacles, free improved grapple), Elongation 2 (+10’ reach, +2 Escape Artist and grapple checks), Environmental Adaptation (underwater), Immovability 3, Immunity 4 (breathe water or air, critical hits, environmental high pressure), Super-Senses 3 (tremorsense), Power Feat: Innate, Drawback: Disabled (1/2 move out of water -2)) [15]

Healing 10 (Extras: Action 1 (standard), Energizing, Flaw: Empathic, Power Feats: Split Attack,
Alternate Power – Strike 10 (Effect: life-force drain, Extras: Alternate Save* (Fortitude), Vampiric, Power Feat: Split Attack),
Alternate Power – Fatigue 10 (Extra: Vampiric, Power Feat: Split Attack)) [33]

Regeneration 16 (Recovery Bonus 6, Ability Damage 2 (/hour), Recovery Rate 6 (Unconscious 1 (/round), Staggered 3 (/minute), Disabled 2 (/hour)), Resurrection 2 (/day)) [16]

Enhanced Strength 20 (Flaw: Only for Grapple purposes, including damage via Crushing Pin!) [10]
[74 pp]

*His Alternate Save (Fortitude) Strike only has a DC of 10+ rank, and is a +0 Extra.

Abilities 18 + Atk/Def 16 + Saves 10 + Skills 15 + Feats 15 + Powers 74 = 148 pp

Leech is an aquatic semi-translucent mass of tentacles, gelatinous in texture, and having a powerful ability to transfer life-energies between itself and it’s ‘prey.’ It can uncoil a tendril to reach someone up to 15’ away, and it’s life-stealing attack fuels it’s own metabolism. Most members of it’s species have this ability, but only the oldest and most developed gain the ability to transfer stolen energy to heal, which is their primary means of reproduction. (Only the most cunning or powerful survive to develop this talent, automatically ensuring that only those individuals have the ability to imbue life into cast off mass from their own bodies to create new individuals.) Despite the ever-increasing intelligence (and bulk) of the species, they remain fearsome predators in their own seas, lashing out from hiding to grapple and drain the lives of nearby prey creatures

The member of this species known as Leech developed something more. A mutation among monsters, Leech developed the power to transfer life-energy to others almost from the first moments of sentience, and it’s titanic kin found it frightening and drove it from their deep trenches on the sea-floor. (For all their alien intelligence and predatory nature, they had no conception of the idea of killing a member of their own kind, no matter how freakish or threatening.)

Near the surface waters, Leech was discovered by explorers from other worlds, completely unaware of the monstrous intelligences that ruled the deepest waters, and, again, contrary to the nature of it’s kind, established communication with these strangers, recognizing from their flying machines and strange energy-scanning devices that these were not mere animals.

Freedom’s Rejects were sweeping the area for a downed cruiser, as part of rescue efforts, and also for the space pirates who had downed the ship, who were believed to be hiding in the watery depths. The squid-like creature proved useful in locating survivors, clinging to a makeshift raft, and also in locating the pirates, who had ironically descended too deep, and fallen prey to Leech’s enormous and predatory kinfolk…

Offered a chance to leave it’s homeworld, and travel in the company of these strange land-walking air-breathers, Leech accepted, and has spent the last years in an obsessive study of the workings of other life-forms, such that even in the absence of it’s natural powers, it has become a competent physician and surgeon, which it considers ‘an interesting challenge.’

Unfortunately, in this time, it has shown little to no interest in learning anything else about these life-forms, other than the workings of their biology, and while it can communicate perfunctorily in Galstandard, and has somehow reworked it’s own biology to breathe air and remain pliable in the ‘arid’ conditions of a non-aquatic lifestyle, it remains ‘alien’ in outlook and personality. For all the differences between Leech and the other members of it’s kind, Leech ‘doesn’t fit in,’ and seems to have no interest in trying to do so. It’s ‘people’ rarely communicate amongst themselves, and live solitary lives lording over specific territories, not even coming together to mate, due to their method of asexual reproduction. Leech’s psychology is still designed around this model, and it seems to have absolutely no need or desire for social interaction. While most 'adults' of it's kind increase to huge, or even gargantuan sizes, Leech has chosen to 'diet' and remain at a size commensurate to most humanoid species, so that it can more conveniently travel about. (It did bulk up to size large for a time, but found it inconvenient, and voluntarily 'slimmed down.')

Privately to the others, Pharmacopoiea expressed concern that the only reason Leech truly seemed to ‘enjoy’ being a part of team was that they so often came across (and fought) members of other species, and that Leech ‘enjoyed the taste’ of the variety of alien sentiences that it could not otherwise sample. In what most consider a display of thoughtlessness, Stopwatch mentioned this to Leech, who responded, ‘obviously.’