Str 10, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14 [28 pp]
Attack: +4 melee, +4 ranged, +8 in hand to hand, +8 with
thrown chemicals [8]
Defense: +8 (+2 flat-footed) [8]
Initiative: +4
Damage: +1 hand to hand
Saves: Toughness +8 (+4 flat-footed), Fort +8, Ref +8,
Will +2 [10]
Skills: Acrobatics 1 (+5), Bluff 4 (+6), Climb 2 (+2),
Computers 2 (+6), Concentration 0 (+0), Craft (chemical) 8 (+12), Diplomacy 2
(+4), Disguise 2 (+4), Escape Artist 0 (+4), Gather Information 0 (+2), Handle
Animal 0 (+2), Intimidate 0 (+2), Investigate 4 (+9), Knowledge (physical
science) 8 (+12), Knowledge (life science) 6 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 2
(+6), Knowledge (earth science) 1 (+5), Language (Muus,
native), Language (Galstandard), Medicine 6 (+10),
Notice 6 (+6), Pilot 1 (+5), Profession (chemical engineer) 4 (+4), Profession
(doctor) 1 (+1), Search 2 (+6), Sense Motive 2 (+2), Sleight of Hand 1 (+5),
Stealth 4 (+9), Survival 0 (+0), Swim 2 (+2)
[18 pp, 72 ranks in skills]
Feats: Ambidexterity, Inventor, Defensive Roll 4, Dodge
Focus 4, Attack Specialization 2 (hand to hand), Attack Specialization 2
(thrown chemicals), Evasion 1, Instant Up, Skill Mastery (Craft (chemical),
Knowledge (physical sciences), Medicine, Investigate)
[18 pp]
Alien ‘rat-man’ racial ‘powers’ -
Container 2 (Strike 1 (tiny claws, toothy bite,
tail-slap, Power Feat: Mighty), Additional Limbs 2 (prehensile tail and
toes, allowing feet to be used as hands), Super-Movement 1 (wall-crawling,
AP: Speed 1 (10 MPH)), Super-Senses 1 (scent), Immunity 1 (cold).
Power Feat: Innate.) [10]
Immunity 1 (poison) [1]
Nauseate 10 (Extra: Poison, Power Feats: Extended
Reach 2 (+10’),
Alternate Power - Create Object 1 (Extra: Duration
(continuous), Flaw: Range (touch), Limited (only liquids), Power Feats: Innate,
Precise, Subtle (appear real)),
Alternate Power – Healing 10,
Alternate Power – Blast 10 (Extra: Area
(explosive), Flaws: Range (touch), Slow (full round action), Power Feats:
Trigger – if disturbed, Progression 2 (can have 5 doses of nitroglycerine-like
explosive oil ‘set’ at one time),
Alternate Power – Paralyze 10 (Extra: Alt Save
(Fort), Flaw: Range (touch), Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Dazzle (visual) 10 (Extra: Alt
Save (Fort), Flaw: Range (touch), Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Dazzle (scent) 10 (Extras: Alt
Save (Fort), Area (cloud), Linked - to Stun, Flaw: Range (touch)) *and* Stun
5 (Extra: Area (cloud), Linked – to Dazzle, Flaw: Limited – only affects
targets with Scent or Acute Sense (smell)),
Alternate Power – Corrosion 10 (thermite
paste-like corrosive / incendiary, Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Confuse 10 (Extras: Alt Save
(Fort), Poison, Flaw: Range 2 (touch), Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Boost (any single Ability score) 10 (Flaw:
Limited / Side-Effect (once power wears off, the recipient must make a DC 20
Fort save for each minute or lose 1 pt of the affected attribute for 1 minute,
this happens up to five times, at which point, the character can start making
Fort saves to recover a single lost attribute point / minute until all have
recovered. If the affected character ever rolls a 1 on one of these Fort saves,
he suffers a rank 5 Fatigue attack!), Power Feat: Slow Fade 2 (/minute)),
Alternate Power – Boost (any single Ability score) 5 (Power
Feat: Slow Fade 2 (/minute)),
Alternate Power – Variable Power 6 (any one trait
at a time, represents his ability to synthesize a bewildering array of chemical
agents within himself, but all generally will be limited to a touch range. With
this power Pharmacopoeia can generate freaky ‘super-science’ stuff like
invisibility salves and anti-gravity oils and ‘armor-gel’ protective liquids,
or fluids that harden into solids, or boil away into gaseous clouds),
Alternate Power – Communication (scent-based pheremones) 1 (Extra: Area, Flaw: Action 2 (move action
to communicate feelings, full action to communicate language), Power Feats: Selective,
Subtle 2) *and* Comprehend 3 (speak any language, speak to animals,
speak to plants, Flaws: Range (touch), Sense-based (scent)),
Alternate Power – Trip 10 (splashes gallons of
slippery oil over an area, Partial Extra: Area (cone) 2, Extras: Duration 1
(sustained), Independent (loses it’s potency at 1 rank / round, remains in area
affected as an oily slick)),
Alternate Power – Trip 10 (leaves a trail of
slippery oil behind himself as he runs, Partial Extra: Area (trail) 2, Extras:
Duration 1 (sustained), Independent),
Alternate Power – Trip 10 (coats a single foe
touched with gallons of slippery oil, Extra: Duration 1 (sustained),
Alternate Power – Strike 10 (Extras: Alternate Save
(Fort*), Poison), Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Suffocate 10 (Partial Extra: Area
(burst) 1, Power Feats: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Snare 10 (glue, Extra:
Regenerating, Flaw: Range 1 (touch), Power Feats: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Emotion Control 10 (Extra:
Alternate Save (fortitude), Partial Extra: Area (cone) 1, Flaw: Range 2
(touch), Sense-Dependent (scent), Power Feat: Subtle, Immunity (own gas)),
Alternate Power – Fatigue 10 (Power Feat: Extended
Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Drain 10 (any one trait, one at a
time, Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Drain 10 (all ability scores at
once, Power Feat: Extended Reach 2 (+10’)),
Alternate Power – Mind Control 10 (Extra:
Conscious, Flaw: Sense-Dependent (scent), Range 2 (touch), Power Feats:
Extended Range 2 (+10’)))
[66 pp]
*This use of Alternate Save (Fort) *does* change the save
DC to 10 + rank. It is a +0 Extra.
Drawback / Complication: Disability (poor eyesight, if
glasses are knocked off, treat all foes as having one extra level of
Concealment! -2)
Abilities 24 + Combat 16 + Saves 10 + Skills 18 + Feats
18 + Powers 66 – Drawbacks 2 = 150 pp
Doctor Nicodemus is a Muus
researcher of some reknown. Unlike the majority of
his scuttling and absent-minded folk, he’s a total prodigy, aided immensely by
the unique changes caused by an unknown alien liquid that had been discovered
in a sealed vault, surrounded by defensive traps and security features, which,
despite their vast technical superiority, proved incapable of stopping
generations of Muus ‘adventurers’ from losing their
lives in an attempt to break in.
It was Doctor Nic’s mother who
beat the last security door, and promptly died to the alien cache’s internal
defenses, but Nic’s uncle made it out alive, with a
vial of a mysterious fluid, which the curious youngling promptly swallowed the
second he managed to wrest it away from his sleeping uncle.
Enhanced in intellect, and with the strange power to exude
a myriad of fluids from his pores at will, Nicodemus left his homeworld soon after, and attempted to join the Freedom
Legion, using his newfound ability to produce any medicine, or toxin, he
wished. En route, he befriended a few other potential recruits, and when they
were rejected, he chose to refuse admission into the Freedom Legion to instead
leave with his newfound friends, and become a founding member of Freedom’s
Over his years as a ‘Reject,’ he has developed a
bewildering array of uses for his new talent, creating sedatives and mind-affecting
chemical mists, enhanced pheremones, ultra-strong
adhesives and corrosives, and near-frictionless lubricants. With a wave of his
hand, he can spray out a jet of fluids that can blind, sicken or even kill! He
has also developed ‘super-steroids’ that can greatly enhance his allies
performance, although the strongest of them carry the risk of weakening them
after their effects begin to subside, and can even cause an ally to slip into
shock in extreme cases!
Just when his team-mates think they have seen it all, he
will start spinning out fluids that crystallize into fine webs of steel-hard
silk to entangle a foe, or place his hands on a solid surface and leave a fine
slick of oil behind that explodes when disturbed. And even these sorts of
things become commonplace, when faced with his occasional ‘one-off’ feats, such
as sculpting something out of a fluid that hardened into crystal and using it
as a tool, or generating a gallon of inky liquid that boiled away into a cloud
of roiling darkness that filled an entire room!
Doctor Nicodemus has taken the name Pharmacopoeia, and
appears as a 5’ 2” bipedal white rodent, with unkempt white fur, beady black
eyes, large incisors, twitching whiskers, tiny spectacles perched precariously
on his over-sized snout, and a long laboratory coat, split in the back to
accommodate his ever-thrashing-about hairless grey-skinned tail, which is as
prehensile as his toes, and often can be seen waving a flask or beaker around
while he works, if he isn’t using it to gesture while he makes some point, or
elaborate by sketching what he is talking about on a nearby surface. He
generally wears baggy trousers, and a tie (but no shirt), and his laboratory
jacket has a breast-pocket filled with pen-sized tools, and on the opposite breast
his personal symbol, a mortar and pestle (the symbol is duplicated larger on
the back of the jacket). He’s a bit of a fussbudget, and is constantly
muttering and wiping mysterious fluids of every conceivable composition on his
once white jacket. He seems to have an unfortunate case of paralysis of the
lower tongue (‘taste-testing’ isn’t the recommended way to check a new
corrosive…), and is often slobbering and tilting his head to get his tongue
back into his mouth, as it tends to fall out and hang from the side of his
mouth when he is talking, which is pretty much constantly. Oddly, this has
little effect on his ability to make himself
understood, although the constant twitching and head-tilting tends to make him
look even more mad than the average ‘mad scientist.’
Notes: Yes, he's got a Str 10 and the Mighty power feat on
his Strike. It just makes sense, and it will matter if he ever uses Boost on
himself. Just about everything he does is Fort-save based. If he runs into
something with a massive Fortitude save, he's stuck trying to Snare, Trip or flee it and leaving behind explosive 'mines.'