Starshine ('true name' is a pattern of light and colors, mainly gold, rose and violet, in a flashing serpentine 'flowing' shimmer, brighter near the top, and becoming both darker and thinner as it spirals downwards)
PL 10 (143 pp)

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14 [26 pp]

Attack: Melee +4, Ranged +4 [8 pp]
Defense: +14 (+4 flat-footed) [16 pp]
Initiative: +8
Damage: +0 hand to hand, +10 (Penetrating) with laser Blast, or +10 Dazzle or Nauseate attack
Saves: Toughness +6, Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +2 [10 pp]

Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+8), Bluff 2 (+4, +8 vs. those who might find her attractive), Climb 2 (+2), Computers 2 (+6), Concentration 0 (+2), Craft (artistic) 8 (+12), Diplomacy 4 (+6, +10 vs. those who might find her attractive), Disguise 0 (+2), Escape Artist 0 (+5, including +1 for Elongation), Gather Information 0 (+2), Handle Animal 0 (+2), Intimidate 0 (+2), Investigate 4 (+8), Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+12), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 8 (+12), Language (Galstandard), Language (Csymallian lightspeech, native), Language (Galsign), Notice 8 (+10), Perform (light-weaving) 8 (+10), Pilot 2 (+6), Profession (priestess) 4 (+6), Search 2 (+6), Sense Motive 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+8), Survival 0 (+2), Swim 0 (+0)
[19 pp, 76 ranks in skills]

Feats: Ambidexterity, Attractive 1, Dodge Focus 8, Evasion 1, Fascinate 1 (Perform (light-weaving)), Improved Initiative 1, Instant Stand
[14 pp]

Racial ‘alien powers’ Container 1 ( Additional Limbs 2 (six long spindly limbs, free Improved Grab, AP: Speed 1 ), Elongation 1, Innate) [5]

Concealment 4 (blinding glare, all visual senses, Flaw: Limited (does not conceal location, blinding glare only gives the Total Concealment modifier to strike her, her actual location is painfully obvious to anyone with any visual senses…)) [2]

Environmental Control 5 (daylight intensity light, 100’ radius, Extra: Link (to Environmental Control 2 (light). Flaw: Range 1 (touch)) [5]

Environmental Control 2 (light, 101-500’ radius, Extra: Link (to Environmental Control 5 (daylight), Flaw: Range 1 (touch)) [1]

Dazzle 10 (visual, Extra: Area (burst, 50’ radius), Flaw: Range 1 (touch), Power Feats: Selective,
Alternate Power – Dazzle 10 (visual, Extra: Area (cone, 100’ long and wide at terminus), Flaw: Range 1 (touch), Power Feat: Selective),
Alternate Power – Blast 10 (Extra: Penetrating, Flaw: Action 1 (full-round action), Power Feat: Stunning Strike),
Alternate Power – Obscure 5 (blinding ever-shifting webs of light, 100’ radius, visual, Extra: Independent, Flaw: Range 1 (touch), Power Feat: Selective),
Alternate Power – Illusion 2 (visual, Extras: Action 1 (free to maintain an interactive illusion), Duration 2 (continuous), Power Feats: Precise, Progression 5 (100’ radius)),
Alternate Power – Nauseate 10 (Extra: Range 1 (ranged), Flaw: Sense-Dependent (visual))) [26]

Sensory Shield 2 (sight, +4 to resist visual Dazzle attempts) [2]

Super-Senses 9 (low-light vision, infravision, ultravision, microscopic vision 4 (atomic scale, AP: extended vision 3, 1000x range), radius (vision)) [9]
[50 pp]

Abilities 26 + Atk/Def 24 + Saves 10 + Skills 19 + Feats 14 + Powers 50 = 143 pp

Starshine’ is the translation given for the name of this strange alien. An unusual blend of both carbon and silicate-based life, her body is composed of a seemingly synthetic series of nanotubules interwoven into a slender ropy body that is both surprisingly resilient, and inhumanly flexible. If she were to stand erect, she would be almost three meters in height, despite weighing only 50 kg. She really can’t stand erect, in any event, as her form folds in upon itself for support (lacking much in the way of skeletal framework), and her six spindly limbs alternate between serving as ‘arms’ or ‘legs,’ depending on her current state of activity.

Her species is aware of sound, and has painstakingly learned to understand the speech common to most air-breathing sentients, but her people communicate by flashes of light manipulated upon their outer surfaces, a talent which gives most members of the race powers much like the Blending variation of Concealment. Starshine is a rare ‘adept’ among her people, able to manipulate vast quantities of ‘living light’ in many ways, to form complex images, blinding flashes, or seemingly self-aware ‘webs’ of ever-shifting light that bedazzle and confound her foes, while avoiding her allies completely, seemingly of their own volition!

(She once crafted what seemed to be a truly self-aware ‘elemental’ of light, but this was apparently a unique ‘stunt,’ and she has not repeated it. She does however regularly craft self-sustaining holographic masterpieces of artwork, some fixed in cyclical, or even mathematically self-generating, patterns.)

Her species in incapable of speech (although they can make squeaky noises, or slap the ground with their limbs to ‘drum’), and communicates solely through the use of Galsign (the ‘common’ Galactic ‘sign language’ used by non-vocalizing species of many types), or simply ‘writing’ the messages they wish to convey in Galstandard on the surfaces of their bodies (or, in Starshines case, in the air around her).

Starshine, like most of her kind, is composed of what appears to be shimmering iridescent cables of flexible crystal, all interwoven together in a tight mass, with six flexible tendrils, capable of elongating themselves to a surprising reach. Despite her unusual, and occasionally startlingly insect-like, movements, she has learned to position herself and move in a graceful and hypnotic manner, allowing her to lull the suspicions of those who would normally be disconcerted by her alien form.

She does not care for physical confrontation, resorting to concealment, deception and hampering foes with her obscuring and dazzling powers. Faced with a foe not affected by blinding effects, she will fall back on her disorienting epilepsy-inducing strobe attack (Nauseate). In the presence of a foe lacking visual senses entirely, or otherwise protected from her sense-dependent powers, she will be forced to resort to her laser Blast attack, although she will start with Stunning Strikes, hoping to avoid having to use her Penetrating lethal Blast as long as possible, as she considers the use of light to inflict harm in this manner to be a possible offense against her faith, one calling for deep reflection afterwards, to make sure that she did not use it lightly, and that she exhausted all other options, and only used it ‘in defense of harmony, and the sacred principles of life and light.’

She is deeply spiritual, and her worlds light-based faith is equal parts art, craft, philosophy and hard science, with her priestly caste, of which she, as a ‘born adept’ is an honorary member, required to match their studies of faith, physics, light-weaving and art, and not to allow any one of these ‘facets’ to become out of balance, and risk disharmony. There doesn’t appear to be any sort of religious penalty for being ‘disharmonious’ and showing a bias towards one area of study, but the impression Starshine has given is that it’s considered ‘tacky.’

While she seems to be making a true effort not to judge other species by her own standards, she definitely shows a preference for people who balance their own skills similarly, finding people focused into the sciences, but lacking skills in the arts or philosophy to be ‘spiritually blind.’ She feels similarly about those who have a strong grounding in philosophy or the arts, but no head for mathematics…