One of the few members of Freedom's Rejects to get rejected twice, 'Stopwatch' was turned away the first time for getting in a fist-fight with the Clockwatcher (who called her a dangerous amateur, irresponsibly tampering with things she couldn't possibly understand), and the second time when she was told that her powers were 'like his, but not as good.'

She fell back on her knowledge of chemistry to craft a few 'equalizers' that she could administer at super-human speed to her targets, as her physical attacks were, frankly, somewhat lacking... Combined with studying techniques to trip and disarm people with her Rapid Attack, she's much more effective now, and even the Clockwatcher was forced to grudgingly admit that she was a 'clever child.'

Her signature invention is her Pepper-Spray Breath-mints, which she pops into her mouth, and then runs around using Rapid Attack to blow in people's faces, treating them as if they had received a faceful of Pepper Spray. Anyone else ingesting one of these 'candies' suffers the usual effects of a faceful of Pepper Spray... The candy only lasts for a round, but she can Quick-Draw another and pop it into her mouth as a Free Action, and be good for a repeat performance, if need be.

Originally, she had gone by the name of Chrone, which she thought a funny pun, but with her tendency to actually become an old woman inexplicably, it got turned around into something used to mock her, and she abandoned it for the name Stopwatch. It was under her new name of Stopwatch that she first applied at the Freedom Legion tryouts, and it is quite possible that the similarily between her name and the Clockwatchers is one of the several reasons that they snipe at each other endlessly.

C'taphralk'A is clearly not human, and surprisingly ignorant about many things that should be common knowledge. And yet she knows a little bit about *everything,* as if she had read books on pretty much everything in the universe before 'showing up.' She says that she is from 'Erehaven,' but exactly where (or when) that is, remains a mystery which she dismisses with an airy, 'Oh, you can't really get there yet.'

She will alternately comment disparagingly of cutting edge technology, or suggest using an item that not only doesn't exist, but is theoretically impossible to craft, and use the most advanced items in the most anachronistic of ways, such as asking for a blaster, and then using it as a hammer... Other times, she'll be surprised by something commonplace, like artificial gravity and say, 'Cool! I wasn't expecting that! *So* much better than floating around, which always makes me nauseous (whisper) and kinda gassy, y'know ...'

Stopwatch's power is to 'pause' time. Mechanically, it's handled as Super-Speed, but really, she's mosying along at her own pace, smacking her gum, commenting on people's attire and pointing and laughing at the expression on someone's face. The Subtle feat represents how she doesn't seem to be moving at Super-Speed to those around her. She just moves, and only on a DC 20 Notice check does anyone see her doing whatever it is she does while 'time-stepping.'

She usually uses the power on herself almost exclusively, but can extend the effect to another person within contact, and has been known to grab one of her more combat-centric allies and lead him by the hand on a tour of every mook in 30', by Sharing her Rapid Attack feat...

More unusually, she can freeze a single person (even herself!) in time, putting them into a powerful form of stasis. This could be seen as a Paralyze attack, and yet, it also makes the frozen person nearly impossible to harm (and incredibly hard to move, something to do with what she calls 'temporal inertia'). She can use it as an attack, but in so doing, she makes the foe all-but impossible to harm (or move). She can use it as a defense, but in so doing, she makes the person defended into an immobile statue! It's a very situationally useful tactic, with her most dramatic application being the time she grabbed a pair of allies and froze herself and them in time, shielding them from certain death when a building collapsed on them.

Of course, when the paralysis wore off (and the protection went away), they were still trapped under a ton of rubble, but that was something they could handle...

Stopwatch (‘Cat’ C’taphralk’A of Erehaven)
PL 10 (154 pp)

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10 [24 pp]

Attack: Melee +10, Ranged +4 [8 pp]
Defense: +14 (+2 flat-footed) [8 pp]
Initiative: +29
Damage: +0 hand to hand, varies with gear
Saves: Toughness +6, Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 [0 pp]

Skills: Acrobatics 0 (+4), Bluff 4 (+4), Climb 0 (+0), Computers 0 (+3), Concentration 2 (+4), Craft (chemical) 4 (+7), Craft (all others, untrained) 0 (+3), Diplomacy 0 (+0), Disable Device 0 (+3), Disguise 0 (+0), Drive 0 (+4), Escape Artist 0 (+4), Gather Information 0 (+0), Handle Animal 0 (+0), Intimidate 0 (+0), Investigate 2 (+5), Knowledge (history) 12 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 4 (+7), Knowledge (all others, untrained) 0 (+3), Language (???, Native), Language (Galstandard), Medicine 0 (+2), Notice 4 (+6), Perform (all untrained) 0 (+0), Pilot 0 (+4), Profession (researcher) 3 (+5), Profession (all others, untrained) 0 (+2), Search 4 (+7), Sense Motive 0 (+2), Sleight of Hand 0 (+4), Stealth 2 (+6), Survival 0 (+2), Swim 0 (+0) [10 pp, 40 ranks in skills]

Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 6, Dodge Focus 8, Equipment 1, Evasion 2, Improved Disarm 2, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Throw, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Quick-Draw 1 (draw), Uncanny Dodge (precognition)
[27 pp]

Equipment: Silvery jumpsuit (+3 Toughness, Subtle, 4 EP), Flash-goggles (+5 to resist blinding light related dazzles, 1 EP)

Super-Speed 6 (100x Quickness, 500 MPH Speed, +24 Initiative, Rapid Attack 30’, Extra: Share Speed, Power Feats: Subtle,
Alternate Power – Protection 16 (Extras: Affects Others +1, Impervious, Partial Extra: Immovable 4, Flaw: Side-Effect (user is hit by a rank 16 Paralyze attack when she uses it. The Protection goes away when the recipient breaks free, and is only half-effect if they are only Slowed.), Power Feat: Progression 1 (can affect 1 extra person (2 total, plus self))) [37]

Immunity 2 (aging, need for sleep) [2]

Super-Senses 13 (Detect (temporal anomalies, Sense, Ranged), Danger Sense (precog), Precognition, Postcognition, Extended 1 (vision)) [13]

Comprehend 2 (can understand and read all sentient tongues) [4]

Device 5 - Pepper Spray Breath-mints (easy to lose, Effect: Dazzle (visual and scent) 5 (Flaw: Range 1 (touch)) + Stun 5, Power Feat: Immunity 1 (own power), Feature: Restricted 2 (only she can use them, anyone else trying is affected by them instead)) [15]

Device 2 Tanglefoot Bags (easy to lose, Effect: Snare 9 (Flaw: Range 1 (touch), Power Feat: Reversible)) [6]
[77 pp]

Abilities 24 + Atk/Def 16 + Saves 0 + Skills 10 + Feats 27 + Powers 77 = 154 pp

Complication – totally uncontrolled morph power, every day, she looks different, but her abilities remain unchanged. One day she’ll be a 13 year old girl and the next day, a surprisingly spry octogenarian. She’ll often be a humanoid alien, with the most common recurring theme beings reptilian or avian forms. She has no control over this, and no explanation for it, other than, ‘the universe isn’t entirely happy with me being here. It keeps fighting me. This is the best I can appear as today.’