The principal gods of the Scarred Lands setting are detailed here.




The Eight Victors (the core deities) and the Domains from which their Clerics can choose.  A Cleric must be the same alignment as his diety, and can only choose from two of the available Domain options.



Corean – Lawful Good.  Missionary (R&R2), Law, Good, Fire, Protection, War, Artifice (D&D).  Corean is the chief diety of the city of Mithril, and the one most commonly served by Paladins.


Madriel – Neutral Good.  Missionary (R&R2), Good, Air, Healing, Plant, Sun, Glory (D&D).  Madriels faithful can be found from Durrover to Albadia, as the goddess of mercy, healing and agriculture is popular just about everywhere.


Tanil – Chaotic Good.  Missionary (R&R2), Chaos, Good, Animal, Luck, Plant, Travel, Trickery, Liberation (D&D).  Tanil is the diety of choice among the Wood Elves of Vera-Tre and the Rangers of Vesh.  Archers and Rangers alike often revere her.


Hedrada – Lawful Neutral.  Missionary (R&R2), Law, Knowledge, Protection, Judgement (R&R2), Community (D&D).  Hedrada is prime diety in the city of Hedrad, and is also popular in some areas of Calastia, where order rules.


Enkili – Chaotic Neutral.  Missionary (R&R2), Chaos, Air, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Weather (D&D).  Enkili is most popular in free-wheeling Shelzar, and among sailors, gamblers and fishermen.


Chardun – Lawful Evil.  Missionary (R&R2), Law, Evil, Strength, War, Domination (R&R2), Nobility (D&D).   Chardun is revered in Calastia, among the Charduni Dwarves of the Empire of Chains (in Termana) and in Dunahnae.  His worshippers dominate vast amounts of territory compared to most other gods.


Belsameth – Neutral Evil.  Missionary (R&R2), Evil, Death, Magic, Trickery, Darkness (D&D), Madness (D&D).  Few would admit to openly worshipping the goddess of murder, still she has open temples in many lands, particularly in Albadia.


Vangal – Chaotic Evil.  Missionary (R&R2), Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Strength, War.  Rare in civilized lands, Vangal worship tends to be confined to savage tribes and barbarian hordes that wreak havoc on any settled lands they pass through.



The Last Titan


Denev – Neutral.  Denev grants access to no Domains, as her followers are only Druidic, she has no Clerics.  Denev worship among humans is most common in Albadia, but is the predominant faith among the Wood Elves of Vera-Tre and the Broadreach Elves.  (Note that she is erroneously listed as granting Domains on the webpage, but Druids do not gain access to Clerical Domains.)





Drendari – Chaotic Neutral demigoddess of Shadows.  Chaos, Entrancement (R&R2), Shadow (R&R2), Darkness (D&D)

Erias – Chaotic Good demigod of Dreams.  Chaos, Good, Magic, Dream (R&R2)

Goran – Lawful Good Dwarven demigod.  Law, Good, Earth, Strength, Artifice (D&D)

Hwyrrd – Neutral Halfling demigod.  Luck, Protection, Trickery

Idra – Chaotic Neutral goddess of Love.  Chaos, Entrancement (R&R2), Secrets (R&R2), Liberation (D&D)

Manawe – Chaotic Neutral goddess of the Sea.  Chaos, Travel, Water, Entrancement (R&R2)

Nalthalos – Lawful Evil Dark Elven demigod.  Law, Evil, Constructs (R&R2), Artifice (D&D)

Nemorga – Lawful Neutral demigod of Death.  Law, Death, Knowledge, Travel, Gateways (R&R2), Repose (D&D).  A Cleric cannot have access to both Death & Repose.

Sethris – Neutral Evil demigoddess of Vengeance.  Evil, Death, Vengeance (R&R2)

Syhana – Neutral Good demigoddess of Fey.  Good, Air, Fey (R&R2), Rainbow (R&R2), Weather (D&D)




R&R2 = Relics & Rituals 2

D&D = Dieties and Demigods

All not specifically noted are in the Players Handbook


The Missionary Domain can also be found in Relics & Rituals, and the Judgement, Domination, Entrancement, Shadow, Dream, Secrets, Constructs, Gateways, Vengeance, Fey and Rainbow Domains can also be found in The Divine & the Defeated, but the write-ups in Relics & Rituals 2 are more complete and up-to-date.



A brief overview of Missionary, Domination, Judgement and the Dieties & Demigods Domains can be found here.