
Population: 414,200 (2110 est.)

Government: Representative democracy; elected council with rotating mayorship

Current Leader: Bürgermeister Manfred von Fass

Suffrage: Universal

Human Rights: 4 (few restrictions on behavior, but few legal recourses for

crime victims)

Travel: 4 (fairly open borders)

Media Freedom: 5 (no restrictions)

Taxation Level: 3 (high business taxes; no personal taxation)

Health Care: 3 (average level of care; availability based on ability to pay)

Economy: 5 (unregulated)

Industries: Tourism (48%); services (34%); manufacturing (10%); other (8%).

Military: 2 (voluntary police force; defense pact with PPK)

Relations: Close ties to PPK; diplomatic relations with almost all nations

Conflicts: None







Population: 684,400 ‘citizens’ (2115 est.); perhaps 1/3rd number of ‘non-citizens’

    (no census data available)

Government: Constitutional monarchy, appointed advisory bodies

Current leader: Crown Prince Gustav von Preiss

Suffrage: None; dictatorship

Human Rights: 3 (all citizens eligible for trial, crimes against non-citizens

    often unpunished if even reported)

Travel: 2 (borders tightly guarded, no immigration)

Media Freedom: 5 (no restrictions)

Taxation Level: 2 (no personal ownership, all citizens make a stipend of their

     current earnings back from the crown)

Health Care: 4 (efficient state-subsidized health care available to citizens)

Economy: 1 (completely state-governed)

Industries: Services (40%); industry (50%); agriculture (5%); other (5%)

Military: 4 (2 years mandatory service in the border guard, well-maintained

    town militia)

Relations: Deals with other nations only for tightly regulated trade

Conflicts: None


Responding quickly to the threat of a tidal wave of French refugees swarming over into the German province of Saarland, the mayor of Saarbrucken, Gustav Preiss, son of the previous mayor, called out local militia and had the borders into France manned and reinforced within days of the newsfeeds of the Esperanza disaster.  Rumors persist to this day that until the barricades were constructed, and later reinforced, that the local militia actually drove away French refugees at gunpoint, in some cases, even firing into crowds to disperse these unwelcome immigrants.  Mayor Preiss managed to save his city and province from the sort of fate that befell Freiburg and his people were so grateful that when Germany splintered into a dozen fragmentary nation-states, the locals drafted a constitution and elected the mayor their new ruler in perpetuity, sealing their borders now against their former countrymen as zealously as they had against the French.


‘Prince’ von Preiss has since confiscated all lands and businesses within the province as exclusive property of the crown and his administrative body (mostly his cronies and family) regulates all aspects of commerce and finance within the territory tightly.  ‘Taxes’ now consist of rent on properties once held and percentages of profits garnered from ‘crown’-owned businesses and through scrupulous financial controls, the Prince and his advisors have maintained the nation at well above subsistence level, making the citizenry, while initially dubious of his programs (and the rights that they had signed away) fiercely proud.  The Prince generously allows broadcasts from all over Europe to be shown in Saarland, knowing that while they depict people with freedoms and luxuries he cannot allow, they also depict surrounding nations in the grip of crushing poverty and near-total societal collapse or dubious ‘experimental’ governments.  The burden of taxation is high, in fact the state confiscates ALL moneys and runs a complex bureaucracy to see to it that each citizen ends up getting a livable percentage back, re-investing much of this money into the nation itself, in effect creating a ‘bubble economy’ situation and a nation that ‘feels’ much better off financially than it is on paper.


The mayor has ridden a wave of anti-French rhetoric since his election as mayor years before, but now has found himself pulled along by public opinion into making the small percentage of current French citizens into ‘non-citizens.’  They can do work for pay for any true Saarlander or rent from such a person, but they cannot dwell on crown property directly or hold work in a royal business (ie, live anywhere without paying a Saarlander or work anywhere full-time legally).  Essentially, former French resident are an underclass in Saarbrucken proper and are virtual slaves.  Many local business will not serve or cater to French, unless they are accompanied by a Saarlander or carry a note stating that they are shopping for one.  In the outlying towns the situation is more fluid, with some communities being more open towards French expats and others being open only in their hostility.  There  has actually been a brisk legal softening of the borders in the last year as the residents of Saarland have begun to thrive at the expense of cheap French labor and their virtual serfdom, and so they clamor for the admission of more French refugees to perform more and more of the nations menial or service tasks, while their Saar ‘patrons’ get paid for ‘taking them in.’


While not specifically racist, the rare non-white families native to the area being as much Saarlanders as any other, the Saarlanders as a whole hold much of the rest of the world in contempt, although none so much as the French or their fellow Germans.  This attitude goes far to explain the dearth of tourism in this otherwise scenic and well-maintained area.  About the only thing that the Saar like about the French (other than their service) is the destruction of their fabled vineyards, as the Saar vintners on the border with France took advantage of the moment to ‘take in’ any refugee carrying cuttings from a fallen winery or with good general experience at winemaking.  It is said that the only good French wine these days comes from Saarland, and since it is being squeezed by French hands from French grapes and bottled by French vintners, nothing but the label on the bottle is truly changed.  That and the profits from the highly tariffed and deliberately undersold (to keep demand, and prices, high) wine, which go into the coffers of the Prince, who then trickles some down to his vintners, who may in turn trickle a few pennies to their French help.






Population: 890,000 (2115 est.)

Government: Participatory democracy

Current Leader: ‘First citizen-elect’ Hauptmann Brandt Schriter

Suffrage: Universal (all votes tabulated electronically, all national issues voted

     upon weekly)

Human Rights: 2 (restrictions primarily on behaviors threatening others)

Travel: 4 (fairly open borders)

Media Freedom: 5 (no restrictions)

Taxation Level: 4 (high to moderate taxation at all levels)

Health Care: 3 (average level of care; state-subsidized)

Economy: 5 (unregulated)

Industries: Services (40%); manufacturing (40%); agriculture (1%); other /

   military (19%)

Military: 4 (all citizens must serve 2 years in miltary and are expected to remain

    reserve militia for the remainder of their lives)

Relations: Deliberate neutrality and goodwill with both neighbors

Conflicts: None


The people of Weisbaden had never been heavy into matters of obscure social theory or political philosophy, so when the resolution reached their town on whether or not to join with the grand experiment of the DDSR, several argued persuasively against it, most prominently the mayor, a retired officer.


The referendum failed and the mayor continued on as the mayor of an independent nation state, during which the only selfish act he passed appears to have been the pushing through of a law that allowed him to return to military service and retain his rank while serving in public office (as he has been earlier forced to retire to run for mayor).  It was 10 months later that the city of Mainz, which had been until then a part of the PPK, broke free, established an ‘electronic town hall’ system of participatory democracy and asked for an alliance with Weisbaden (and its much stronger military).   After a tense few months of troops from Mainz and Weisbaden facing down PPK troops, the PPK apparently abandoned the effort with nary a shot fired.  Today, only a few years later, the PPK trades with Weisbaden-Mainz as if no incident occurred and the city of Mainz had never seceded.


Meanwhile, Weisbaden saw the workings of the electronic town hall system of democracy and adopted it, expanding it to a weekly forum on ones computer with the ‘questions of the week.’  Each citizen is expected to read through the question, with arguments for and against neatly laid out and all of which must be read before the actual ‘voting booth’ area can be accessed, sometimes even with a quiz question to make sure that the voter has actually read the arguments and particulars and is making an informed choice.  In this way each major article

of law is passed by referendum on a weekly basis, taking a few hours out of everyones week, but otherwise involving every citizen in the legislative process.


The two cities have expanded to the banks of the Rhein, but still retain their own individual characteristics, Weisbaden being the more open and free-wheeling of the two, while Mainz is more down to earth and could be described as ‘sleepy.’  Generally tourists are encouraged to visit Weisbaden and skip Mainz, by the Mainz residents as much as anyone else.  Mainz has become the ‘bedroom’ community and also a bit of an industrial center, leaving Weisbaden no less suited for housing or manufacturing, but also more of an open city for tourism and international banking, casinos and arts centers.  Weisbaden is clearly the showcase city of the pair.


Weisbaden also has a Legion outpost, and the city is pushing to convince the Legions to establish a permanent presence in the city, over the less than enthusiastic opinions of the neighboring DDSR.  For their part, the Legions are overcoming the reservations of the more conservative Mainz residents by an active program of public works, each Legionnaire having been ordered to use his or her Gifts publicly for the common good, answering emergency calls for everything from the fire brigade to air evacuation to cats stuck in trees.  Despite the somewhat humiliating nature of a pair of combat-trained Psions being ordered to use Temperature Control to clear the streets of snow at a major intersection, the increased visibility has worked remarkably and even the most recalcitrant citizens are beginning to get used to the idea of having Psions around, so long as they are so helpful…






Population: 195,000 (2120 est.)

Government: militocracy

Current Leader: Generalmajor Konrad Winter

Suffrage: ‘Democracy’ with military personnel only getting votes based on grade

     of service, allowing the Generalmajor himself 25 votes

Human Rights: 4 (all trials and laws are militarily governed)

Travel: 2 (immigration or emigration is ‘discouraged,’ as is tourism)

Media Freedom: 2 (only state-sponsored programs are broadcast, and even they

     are often censored in part)

Taxation Level: 4 (high to moderate taxation at all levels)

Health Care: 4 (excellent health care available only to military and their families;

     non-soldiers receive only free clinic-style outpatient care)

Economy: 2 (strongly regulated)

Industries: services (35%); manufacturing (30%); agriculture (5%); other / military


Military: 4 (all citizens must serve 2 years in military minimum and most try to remain

     career; women find a glass ceiling quickly)

Relations: Openly hostile and suspicious of outsiders

Conflicts: Open conflict with bandits out of Bayreuth


Bamberg was fractured by the fall of the Republic and slow to react.  They were still arguing about it when a large foray out of the Bayreuth area, comprised of desperate workers, skinheads and a few persuasive demagogues, swept into the city and began looting the supermarkets and shopping centers.  From the local military base a force swept in and repelled the marauders at heavy cost (more to the bandits than themselves), but after this failure on the part of their elected officials, the army took it upon itself to declare martial law.  Within the year most of the members of the former town council had been imprisoned for trying to stir up unrest and foment dissension among the townspeople over the heavy-handed tactics of the military leaders.  A few were even guilty of this…


Still, for a small area, Bayreuth has made a wonderful scapegoat, being used by the military to justify all sorts of regulations and requirements that would be considered wholly unreasonable at any other time.  In truth the gangs sweeping that region would have to be wholly insane to come anywhere near the fortified army town of Bamberg, with almost 30% of the citizenry on active duty and armed at any given time!


The Generalmajor has even taken to having troops sweep out to engage the gangs marauding anywhere near Bamberg, not out of any sort of sympathy for the outlying citizenry, but simply to remind his people that they are still out there and that his martial law decrees are still justified.  Some of these farms and smaller communities are warmly receptive to these patrols, but in some areas the patrols are no better than the thugs and bandits they repel, looting the spoils as they see fit, not recognizing the importance of anyone not native to Bamberg or in its military.  Only one reported case resulted in disciplinary action, in this case execution, and in this case the civilizian witnesses had photographic evidence to back up their testimony.  Otherwise in a case of their word versus that of citizens and soldiers, they would have lost the case summarily.


Before the coup, a small Legion outpost was present in the city, but since the declaration of martial law the Legions were curtly thanked for all their help and asked to leave promptly.






Population: 2,100,100; almost 700,000 of them in the capital of Münster (2111 est.)

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Current Leader: Queen Adelinde Moeller

Suffrage: Largest land-owners and wealthiest persons elected to lords council, all

    others get no vote

Human Rights: 3 (average)

Travel: 3 (again, average)

Media Freedom: 4 (certain programming deemed ‘innapropriate’)

Taxation Level: 4 (high to moderate taxation, administered by lords council)

Health Care: 3 (average level of care; based on ability to pay)

Economy: 3 (moderately regulated, tends to maintain the status quo)

Industries: Services (70%); manufacturing (25%); agriculture (5%)

Military: 2 (draft, but only 10% of eligible persons are selected)

Relations: gets along poorly with the PPK;allied with New Weimar and

    the remnants of the Netherlands; studied neutrality with the DDSR

Conflicts: None


The Moellers had been prominent land-holders and industrialists in the region for quite some time, and, along with a half-dozen other prominent families, owned large percentages of the surrounding province.  When the Federal Republic of Germany began to splinter, Emmerich Moeller, father of the current Queen, reacted quickly and called together his 5 greatest rivals and outlined the future of the province.  By and large, they agreed to his vision and saw to it that their employees and their families (comprising a good 58% of the local population between them!) ‘voted’ in a constitutional monarchy with Moeller as ‘King’ and themselves as his court of advisors or ‘lords council.’  The monarchy has not been without hiccoughs, such as the assassination of King Emmerich and the ascension to the throne of his teen-aged daughter Analinde, but so far the industrialists and land-holders, are all even wealthier and more powerful than they were under a republic and their workers haven’t yet seen things get bad enough to warrant a rebellion.


About the only thing keeping it tolerable for the 2.1 million people who aren’t lords or members of their immediate families is that it is considered a sign of prestige to maintain the help above their rivals and manage their territories better than the rest, resulting in each lord being quite extravagant and generous to his workers and ‘vassals,’ at least when anyone is looking.  Areas not as open to public scrutiny or particularly productive are generally ignored altogether, making for some shocking contrasts between the land-holdings of one lord from place to place.  Queen Analinde cleverly maintains the lords against one another by showing up from time to time at the oddest out-of-the-way places to videotape the squalor in such a ‘forgotten’ place and distribute some largess to the populace (which only endears her to them in a way that her father never was).  She then returns to court and shows the films she made on her latest foray to the lords council and wonders aloud which of them might administer this particular blight on the nation?  “What sort of sloppy administrator with such a poor head for business could be overseeing this little eyesore?”  Status comes and goes at her little soirees and the lords council have come to the conclusion that she really has to go…


The borders of the lords territories have no set zones, each lord having holdings scattered about the territory, with the 60% of land that none of them owned before the establishment of the monarchy being divided between them more or less equally.   The original plan of King Emmerich was merely to maintain his own industrial and territorial holdings in the face of the imminent collapse of the German republic, and more importantly to him, its economy.  His daughter has entirely different goals and the lords had no intention for her to remain alive a second longer than her father, but the assassins sent to ‘deal with’ her ended up not being seen again alive, leading the lords to wonder who or what is protecting the woman-child from their agents.  In fact she actually seems blissfully unware of their machinations, yet no less protected from them…






This region does not qualify as a country or nation-state, yet warrants mention.  The Mittellandkanel Region, stretching from Berlin at the far end of New Weimar to Duisburg at the northern edge of then PPK, is an autonomous region.  The kanalers are a fiercely independent mixture of the traditional nomadic Romany and refugees from greater Germany, France, the Netherlands and diverse other European nations.  They have plied these waters for generations, being born and living and dying on their barges.   They are not the sort of people who would stop their way of life just because Germany disintegrated into a dozen splinter states!


The nations through which the Mittellandkanal passes recognize the autonomy of the river rats since each of these nations recognize the importance of trade between themselves and the occasional smaller nation served by the kanal.  Each nation has its own boats and barges which make use of the kanal, but they stop at the local borders, only the kanalers being waved through the borders (not without an occasional search as they are not averse to smuggling…).  In the PPK, the Rhein has been in use for generations in much the same way, but the workers along this river are not autonomous and the PPK keeps the division clear.  The DDSR tried briefly at its inception to prevent the kanals autonomous status from being accepted in its borders and blockaded the extranationals from its borders, but New Weimar, the PPK and even tiny Neu Westfalen simply refused to trade with the new state, making clear the scope of the situation.


The kanalers are an odd polyglot folk, and despite a century of the former EC’s bickering over a single language, either english, french, german or swiss as ‘national’ language for the entire EC, these speakers of Romany, German, French, Dutch, etc have had to cobble together a strange hybrid tongue comprising words and concepts from all of these languages (and a few more local ones such as Danish, Polish and Swiss) to communicate amongst each other.  Members of the Ministry Office of Semiotics have been seen in Weisbaden-Mainz speaking with kanalers.  The most optimistic interpretation is that their conversation was about this new language and not about covert matters…


Generally, despite dealing amicably with the citizens of all of the nations the kanal services, the kanalers themselves have little or no interest in the laws of ‘the shore.’  There is a small trade in smuggling information, goods and even people from nation to nation and the authorities in any of the areas (save the DDSR, which is pretty good about such matters), usually will not even have an individual kanalers identity on file, hindering any sort of check to see if a person is in actuality a member of this floating society or not.  More rarely serious crimes might well occur when kanalers are in the area and they will become accused (rightly or wrongly) of being involved, helping to insure that kanalers will move on fairly quickly and keep to their nomadic roots.  The DDSR in particular is quite good at assigning blame to kanalers rather than actually investigate a situation.  Unfortunately, in many cases, these assumptions are warranted…


In keeping with its Romany roots, a single travelling circus plies these waters, appearing as a motley assemblage of barges and ships that put ashore and perform for the locals, usually sticking to New Weimar, where such fare is better received.  Since gambling is legal only on their boats in some areas, a few have attempted a ‘floating casino’ concept, but the kanalers are not possessed of the sorts of resources that go into a new venue in Oman, resulting in a rather seedy looking converted barge (often hastily cleaned and smelling of whatever trade goods it carried yesterday) attracting a much lower form of gambling crowd than would be found at a grand casino.






Another point of interest that is not a country in its own right, the city of Neuhafen in the northen PPK was swamped and all but destroyed by the flooding that destroyed the Netherlands.  The Kommune elected to rebuild the city as a seaport and, towards that end, has appointed teams of construction workers and civil engineers to rebuild the town from the foundation up.  The town is an example of all that is good about the PPK as squads of fulfilled happy citizens design, plan and construct a magnificent seaport from the ground up near the original site of the town of Neuhafen, and it is also an example of all that is askew in the nation as civil planners and architects outnumber the physical builders two to one and to maintain their elaborate timetables and schedules, the engineers have been forced to hire outside help from the Netherlands and even Denmark, giving the town a far more cosmopolitan feel than the designers had intended, especially at this stage.  The city is a surreal site, over 4,500 engineers and architects and urban planners haunting the site day and night, while only a few thousand native laborers are supplemented by equal numbers of Netherlanders and smaller numbers of Danes.   Some areas, with no apparent rhyme or reason, are completely finished, while the heart of the downtown marina district is still being defined and has yet to even have ground broken, creating an almost movie-set quality where one entire section of mall will exist with parking and no roads or utilities will yet service the area, while in other areas poles and lines will be strung or roads laid, but to no apparent purposes as no buildings will be present, only empty fields…  Finally, the off-duty workers, both native and Netherlander, tend to spend their free time experimenting with the latest in drugs, and a thriving market has already been set up in this area as shipments arrive from the Netherland isles to keep the laborers happy in their work.






Another region along the flooded northern coastal lowlands, the city of Bremerhaven in the DDSR is still intact and in use, despite the water having risen pretty much permanently a full meter, rendering the first floor of most buildings pretty much unusable and a bewildering array of new walkways between buildings exist on the third floor of most buildings to facilitate travel from building to building.  The city has become a new Venice of sorts, with waterways now replacing streets and the lower levels of buildings having been sealed off or, in some rare cases, kept watertight and still in use.  Despite the fact that water surrounds them and power-boats replace cars, the city functions pretty much as normal, some residents of outlying highlands either commuting or owning amphibious vehicles capable of getting around in town or traveling on the roads around their homes in the drier south.  Despite the potential picturesqueness of the flooded city, the citizens of Bremerhaven are busy with banking and industrial concerns, not at all interested in catering to the fantasies of Europeans who are thinking of singing gondoliers and romance.  As a result, the city is relatively clean and orderly (and the civic workers are quite accustomed to using Scuba gear in the performance of their jobs, as almost everything created before the flooding was ‘buried’) and is most definitely not a remarkable tourist haven.


For the tourists there is Wilhelmshaven, a city which did not fare so well.  Inhabited by only a sparse twelve thousand residents now, mostly working in industries to serves the tourism trade with bed-and-breakfasts, restaurants and tours, the city of Wilhelmshaven suffered from a strong series of winter storms that drove the waters into the city, but also collapsed several buildings in the downtown area, resulting in the necessary abandonment of the downtown area.  This area, looking like some sort of post-apocalyptic flooded warzone, is now a popular

site of tourism as people from all over the world take a somber sort of pleasure travelling by skiff or raft through the winding streets and seeing the collapsing buildings all around them.  At various points along the tour a second story on some building will contain a functional restaurant or hostel or memento shop selling items bearing the citys name or crest scavenged from the ruins.  (Or, more likely, pressed out in some workshop by the sellers.)






Population: 472,000 (2120 est.)

Government: Federal Republic

Current Leader: Chancellor Adolf Ebert

Suffrage: All adult citizens are allowed a vote.

Human Rights: 3/4 (system is ‘less fair’ to immigrants not of Danish descent)

Travel: 3 (standard)

Media Freedom: 4 (no actual censorship occurs, but a ‘preference’ for NC and Danish

     programming prevails)

Taxation Level: 4 (high to moderate income and property taxation, no sales tax)

Health Care: 4 (excellent health care available to citizens and tourists)

Economy: 3 (regulations tend to encourage seatrade)

Industries: services (25%); manufacturing (20%); agriculture (45%); other / military


Military: 3 (all citizens must serve 2 years in military)

Relations: Hostile to former Equality Federation, strained with DDSR, secretly

     allied to Poland, open alliance with Danmark, good relations with the NC

Conflicts: Battle over sealanes with the EF has ended with the Polish conquest

     of that nation, border tensions with the DDSR remain


The region of Slesvig (sometimes called South Slesvig by Danes) has always been a heavily Danish settled region, sometimes being considered more Danish than German.  The people ratified a new constitution upon the collapse of the rest of Germany and fought off an attempt by the DDSR to assimilate them with a brief spate of border conflict, losing much ground (their original charter went all the way to Lubeck) to the far superior forces of the larger nation.  They then proceeded to dominate sea trade and aquaculture in the area with enormous sea farms all along their coastal waters (and the DDSR’s, a source of renewed tension) and merging seamlessly with similar efforts by the Danes, although a referendum to join more intimately with Denmark was narrowly voted down, and the nation retains its own independence.


A brief spate of sea conflict with the Equality Federation, another heavy user of oceanic resources, ended recently with the conquest of that nation by Poland, with Slessian aid, unknown to most.  Polish troops were shuttled to the western-most points of the Federation by Slessian ships, bypassing EF and other vessels with no suspicions.  The troops then landed in the Mecklenburger Bucht just outside of Wismar and timed their landing to come at the same time as the push into the eastern Federation, creating a pincer movement that took the entire well- armed nation (save for New Weimar-fortified Rostok) in only a week.  The DDSR and New Weimarian forces are not aware of Slesvigs role in this action, although the New Weimarians are somewhat dubious about how the Poles got troops past their presence in Rostok or how convenient it was that Slesvig now dominates the entire northern coastal waters of the former Equality Federation with no apparent complaint from Poland.


The current plan is for Poland to take New Weimar while a combined force from Slesvig and Denmark proper move down into the DDSR.  Poland claims that it will be satisfied there, having designs on properties in other directions and needing to consolidate, and the people of Slesvig appear to be believing them for now…






This region is not truly a nation in any sense of the word, having been overrun by French refugees and serving now as a desperate refugee camp / resettlement zone for the expats.

