Name: Annika Strøm

Nature: Confidante/Architect

Allegiance: Ministry



Strength 1;

Dexterity 2; Martial Arts 1, Stealth 1,

Stamina 3;


Perception 3; Investigation 3,

Intelligence 4; Academics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Engineering 1, Intrusion 2, Linguistics 1 (English, Swedish, Chinese),

Wits 3; Meditation 1, Rapport 3,


Appearance 2;

Manipulation 4; Command 1, Interrogation 3, Subterfuge 2,

Charisma 2; Etiquette 1,


Willpower: 5

Psi: 6


Aptitude: Telepathy

Basic Techniques: Mindscan

Modes: Empathy 1, Mindshare 3, Psychbending 0

Auxiliary Modes: None


Backgrounds: Citizenship 1 (China, EC), Contacts 2 (fellow webheads and fans of her site), Resources 2, Cipher 3,




Armor: Armor Vest (1/3, 0), Reinforced Clothing (0/2, 0)


Other Equipment:


Annika was born in the Oslo Arcology and hardly noticed the decline after the Esperanza crash.  Certainly her business was hardly affected as she was the 'Queen of 'chives,' proprieter of a popular website on the EC OpNet where one could find anything.  She was especially good at archiving mailing lists, newsgroups, chat forums and old corporate data.  She charged only 1¥ per Gig of data and she had salvaged (with her fathers help) 26 old servers to maintain her enormous archival resource.  She also rented out webspace and had a secret service that only a few of her hacker friends new about, she would 'profile' people, essentially 'cyberstalking' them and providing a detailed list of everything they bought, everywhere they went and every published scrap of data available on them, including quite a few details that they were not aware of submitting to the public record, such as the text of private chat requests or emails.  She would generally even 'interview' her subjects by email and / or chat, altering her posting style and addresses to seem as someone that she had record of them speaking openly with most frequently.  Once she lured them into her private areas, she would proceed to use the text that she had already acquired on the subject and the person she was supposed to be, combined with the questions of her employer to lead them into revealing far more than they intended.


She was quite good at drawing people out, especially on-line.  But she had never expected that her little hobby would go so far as to draw the attention of the Ministry for Psionic Affairs after she had done a profile on the local head of L-B for a business rival.  The official met her and noted her latency immediately, changing his tack in mid-stream and offering her an option less severe than extradition and trial for espionage and theft of information.


Annika didn't see as she had a choice and went willingly with the agents when they arrived, much to her fathers surprise.  In Shanghai she learned many things, and her predilection for hoarding data and records has now extended to a near-obsession with recording and capturing thoughts and memories and dreams!  She is working on a way to adapt a biocomp to link to her vision recorder and translate stored sensory information into a digital format.  Until that time, she has hoarded dozens of vizzers worth of data.  She hopes to create a technique by which a persons memories and dreams and ideas can be catalogued and stored for others to peruse at their leisure!


She has always preferred living vicariously, a result of her poor body image.  Despite being only 19 and well under 2 meters (1.67), she weighs in at just over 95 kilos, almost twice the average for her age and size, a result of a hyperactive thyroid condition more than any failing on her part.  She does tend to exacerbate her condition with a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary nutrition.  The idea of being able to draw forth the memories of being rich and beautiful and athletic at anytime she chooses and dancing through these experiences as if they were her own appeals to her more than any cyber-iconographic representations or artificial realities that she could craft for herself.


Her Contacts include 'Bent-Jac,' a hacker in the EC OpNet of some repute whom she alone knows as a fellow fem from Britain who has French sympathies, a result of her own heritage and 'E.Ride,' another apparent hacker extraordinaire, who is not aware that she has profiled past his surface projections to find that he is a CSA operative working out of an FSA embassy in Poland, working to similarly 'profile' the leaders of various EC nations.  She is delighted at his transparency and has actually warned Bent-Jac about him and sent her his profile free of charge, so long as both of them work to secure his identity against other parties, since they find him too useful to allow to be fingered by other parties.