Name: Kei Min

Nature: Caregiver?

Allegiance: Aesculapians


Strength 1; Might 1,

Dexterity 2; Athletics 1, Drive 1, Martial Arts 1, Pilot 1, Stealth 1,

Stamina 3; Resistance 1,


Perception 3; Awareness 2,

Intelligence 3; Academics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 2

(English, Chinese, French), Medicine 3 (specialty: Psychology), Science 1,

Wits 4; Meditation 2, Rapport 2,


Appearance 2;

Manipulation 1;

Charisma 4; Etiquette 1, Savvy 1


Willpower: 5

Psi: 7


Aptitude: Vitakinesis

Basic Techniques: Kirlian Eye

Modes: Iatrosis 1, Mentatis 3, Algesis 0

Auxiliary Modes: None


Backgrounds: Citizenship 2 (Europe, Luna, China), Contacts 3 (Ministry, ISRA),

Mentor 1, Resources 2




Armor: Armor Vest (1/3, 0), Reinforced Clothing (0/2, 0)


Other Equipment:


   Born in what was once called 'French Indochina,' Kei learned both Chinese and French at an early age, even going to the trouble of having citizenship in both countries.  It was during routine testing that she was found to be Latent by Ministry recruiters, but to be suited more to healing arts than those of Telepathy.  By arrangement with the Aesculapian Order, she was horse-traded for a French born Latent more suited to the mind-reading ways.


   Kei is a total pacifist, relying on the Passive Voice in combat, or sticking to mending the wounds of her allies.  She finds violence to be abhorrent, a sign of deep psychological hurt inside.  She grew up always wanting to be a Telepath and work for the Ministry in some sort of clerical role, being disappointed to find that she had more talent as an Aesculapian healer.  The sight of blood distresses her, not so much physically, but as a sign of violence.  When she became more educated in Basel about the options open to her, she embraced Mentatis like a lifeline, allowing her to stay farthest away from possible violence (or its aftermath)!  Unfortunately, she has just begun to learn that violence to the body is small potatoes compared to the sorts of scars we can leave on each others psyche and in her squeamishness, she has thrust herself into a world of unimaginable ugliness.  She now recoils into wishing that she could perhaps treat bruises and broken limbs instead.