Name: Qing-Jin (Bright Gold) Huang

Nature: Confidante?

Allegiance: Ministry


Strength 2;

Dexterity 1; Firearms 1, Legerdemain 1, Martial Arts 2, Melee 1, Stealth 1,

Stamina 3;


Perception 2; Awareness 1, Investigation 1,

Intelligence 3; Bureaucracy 1 Intrusion 2, Linguistics 0 (Chinese),

Wits 3; Meditation 1, Rapport 2,


Appearance 3; Intimidation 1,

Manipulation 4; Command 1, Interrogation 2, Subterfuge 2,

Charisma 3; Etiquette 2, Savvy 1


Willpower: 5

Psi: 7


Aptitude: Telepathy

Basic Techniques: Mindscan

Modes: Empathy 0, Mindshare 3, Psychbending 1

Auxiliary Modes: None.


Backgrounds: Allies 1, Citizenship 0 (China), Contacts 1 (), Mentor 3 (great-aunt Liu, 'the Cormorant'), Resources 2


Weapons: Orgotek Electric Eel Taser Pistol (Dmg 6B, RoF 1, FT 1)


Armor: Armor Vest (1/3, 0), Reinforced Clothing (uniform) (0/2, 0)


Other Equipment: 


   Quan-Jin (kwan jeen) Huang was born on Khantze Lu Ge and lived there for 14 years before developing an inoperable tumor on his brainstem, which pressed against his spinal cord and left him all but paralyzed until a member of the Upeo wa Macho (a woman he recalls as unnaturally tall and beautiful) took him to Beijing for antiproton treatments to burn away the tumor.  He was still in the hospital undergoing treatments when the Esperanza crashed and the Teleporters vanished from human knowledge, leaving him stranded on Earth, in the care of his rather domineering family matriarch, a 73-year old great-grandmother with notable rank in the Ministry.  She had her nephew tested and, pleased greatly with the results, explained to him that he had a far greater destiny ahead than to be a simple colonist.  She took him into her home and taught him what he needed to know to be a Ministry agent while physical therapists taught him how to walk again and basic motor skills, which he still has not recovered fully.  She also gave him his new name (in line with her own values, she follows the traditional means of composing a lineage poem with each family members given name starting with a character representing a word in the poem in precise sequence) and officially took custody of him until contact with Khantze Lu Ge was reestablished or he were to attain his majority.  He was in the middle of post 'awakening' training when the jumpships were finished and left for his homeworld and was unable to arrange special dispensation to go with them and be reunited with his family (his great aunt has made enemies and one of them blocked his request for political reasons, but he remains ignorant of this).


   Now that he has heard of the fate of his home city of Kuan, he is wracked by 'survivor's guilt' and isn't sure he even wants to know what happened to his family.  He certainly has no desire to go there to his home and see it infested with Taint and Aberrants, his home in ruins, his family scattered, enslaved or destroyed and what stands being overrun by Legionnaires pouring fire and devastation forth upon his only memories of happiness.


   Despite (or because of?) his deteriorating physical condition in his youth, he has become quite the perceptive genius, he is a people watcher and a keen observer of patterns of behavior like no other, a remnant from the years of degeneration before his problem was diagnosed when he could just sit and watch everyone else his age work and resent him for being able to sit in the shade, while he sat and resented them back for being able to walk in the light.  These skills make him a most promising addition to the Aviary.