Name: Roger Heroux


Allegiance: ISRAn Hajj



Strength 3;

Dexterity 3; Athletics 1, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Martial Arts 1, Melee 1, Pilot 3 (spec; Hybrids), Stealth 1,

Stamina 4; Endurance 1,


Perception 2; Awareness 1,

Intelligence 2; Engineering 2, Linguistics 1 (Portuguese, French), Medicine 1 (spec; Biotech), Science 1, Survival 1,

Wits 4; Meditation 2, Rapport 1,


Appearance 2;

Manipulation 1;

Charisma 3; Savvy 1,


Willpower: 5

Psi: 7


Aptitude: Biokinesis

Basic Techniques: Biosense

Modes: Adaptation 1, Psychomorphing 3, Transmogrify 0,

Auxiliary Modes: None


Backgrounds: Device 4 (Orgotek Locust+), Citizenship 0 (Luna), Contacts 1 (Orgotek),

Resources 3, Followers 1


Weapons: Banji Thunder (Acc +5, Dmg 6d10L, RoF 2), Orgotek Wasp 2 (Acc +3, Dmg 5d10L, RoF 2, FT 1/2), 4 Plasma Grenades (Dmg 7d10L)


Armor: Armor Vest (1/3, 0), Reinforced Clothing (0/2, 0)


Other Equipment: Orgotek Locust-C with Increased Handling +1 and both Formatted and Assimilated!  (VT: Hybrid, Tech: Bio, CS: Mach 2, TS: Mach 2.1, VS: 4, Handling: +5, Mass: 22, Tolerance: 3, Cost: 6+, Armor 4[5], Weapons: 2 Med Laser Cannon (Acc +4, Dmg 6d10[5]L), fwd Lt Coilgun (Acc +2, Dmg 5d10[10]L) and 4 Smart Missles (Acc +5, Dmg 10d10[15]L) SI linkage through ships sensors to biocomp allowing Roger to remain linked with ship and even pilot it remotely!), Orgotek Tortoise Minicomp w/Hare Agent


Roger and his parents Marie and Guy were fortunate enough to be visiting a widowed uncle in Quebec City when the Esperanza crushed their Parisian home flat.  Distraught about the fate of family and friends in Paris, his parents left Roger with Uncle Bertrand while they returned.  They were never seen again.


Growing up with Uncle Bertrand was a far cry from his orderly life with his parents.  At first life was good, his uncle ran an arcade after all!  But as the French refugees began trickling in, none of them his parents and each with a new horror story about the raiding, the gangs and the collapse of authority and will, things grew steadily more bleak.


The economy of Quebec City was more and more stressed by the refugees and the French ex-pats were often willing to do anything to escape the horrors that they had left behind.  And so, with the help of a Brazilian silent partner, what was once an arcade for childrens action / adventure holosims and virtch games slowly, room by room, became a dreamer brothel.  At first Bertrand tried to keep this from Roger, to shield him from what he saw as a necessary ugliness, but how could he hide the back rooms and their surly patrons from his number one employee who had been half running the business for the last 2 years?  Roger seemed to deal with this as quietly as he had the loss of his home and friends and later his family.  He retreated into his games and sims (after escorting the last patron and 'employee' outside firmly because he had no interest in being mistaken for another employee!).  Over the next few years, Roger took on more and more of the business as his uncle withered into himself and his drink, defeated by the loss of his wife, his brother, his heritage and his home, having turned from a man who provides an alternative to drugs and drink and gangs for the young to a man who pimps for the mob.  It was like a grotesque nightmare that Bertrand could not awaken from, only 5 years before his world had been perfect and now this!


It was during an argument between Bertrand and the flat-faced woman who came to make sure the machines were being properly maintained (and to collect her 'rent') that the woman noticed Roger cleaning up and said, "How old are you?  How'd you like to make 50¥ running something across town for me?"  With those words began Rogers initiation into the mob.  It only lasted a few months, mostly package running and translation duties, since most of the Brasilieros didn't speak much French, but Roger was present when a team of Norça tore into the crime ring and killed most of them in the battle to secure their money, drugs, equipment and turf.  Roger was testing out a new virtch game in the pod and blissfully unaware of what was happening in the warehouse around him until something warm and wet struck him and an instant later he was dragged from his hybrid sim.


The scene was a blur and the blood of another gangster was soaking him, the hispanic man holding him aloft with one hand had his other hand held aloft as some form of twisted claw dripping fresh blood and seemed ready to bring it forward when he paused and shouted, "This one's latent, keep him alive!" and the claws seemed to fold into a bloody fist which suddenly rocketed foreward into his face twice.  His next sight was of Brazil coming into view from the window of the plane...


Over the next 2 years, the engineering skills picked up by Roger working with the temperamental sims were challenged with all sorts of things scrounged from all over the world, but never so much as with the biofighter purchased from Orgotek.  His years of (virtual) piloting experience were nothing like the real thing or the formatted biofighter experience.  His fantasies of thousands of hours of simulation have become fact and Roger now never leaves the cockpit unless he has to.