Name: Thu-Van Manh Nguyen (Autumn Cloud, 1st son of 2nd wife)


Allegiance: Aesculapians



Strength 2;

Dexterity 3; Athletics 1, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Pilot 3,

Stamina 3; Resistance 1,


Perception 2; Awareness 1, Investigation 2,

Intelligence 3; Academics 1, Engineering 2, Linguistics 1 (Mon (Vietnamese), English), Medicine 2 (spec; Bioware), Science 3,

Wits 4; Meditation 2, Rapport 1,


Appearance 2;

Manipulation 2; Command 1,

Charisma 2;


Willpower: 5

Psi: 7


Aptitude: Vitakinesis

Basic Techniques: the Kirlian Eye

Modes: Iatrosis 3, Mentatis 1, Algesis 0

Auxiliary Modes: None


Backgrounds: Citizenship 1 (Funan, FSA), Contacts 2 (Anima culture, Orgotek), Resources 3, Status 1




Armor: Armor Vest (1/3, 0), Reinforced Clothing (0/2, 0)


Other Equipment:


The Nguyen family is one of the largest in Funan and as a result the list of prominent Nguyen is long indeed.  When Thu's childish obsession with Anima culture fired his interest in science and caused his previously mediochre score in such fields to jet ahead of the curve, his parents proudly encouraged his interests, secure in the knowledge that he could become an engineer or a researcher.  About the only thing that displeased his mother was the speed and fluency with which he took to piloting, finding his happiness high amongst the clouds, but to his father, a commercial pilot, this made perfect sense and the issue was defused at home before Thu even knew it existed.  It was after a misadventure in college that his Latency was noticed by the Rex assigned to treat him.  His parents were a little taken aback by this new possibility to say the least!  No one in their immediate family had ever had any such psionic latency and they quietly thought it somewhat 'inappropriate.'  His mother in particular had visions of his being co-opted into the Legions, the Ministry or even the scary Norça and being lost to them forever.  So when he chose to join the Aesculapians and become a worker on biotechnological vessels and devices, they were puzzled by the turn, but accepted it with a sigh of relief.


Ultimately Thu would like to work on the mighty jumpships, but to date his most prominent 'patient' has been an Orgotek Scarab, usually being relegated to tamer fare such Locusts, Cicada, Mantis, Hummingbirds or the larger bioapps such as ARES pods or Somatic Imaging Systems.  So long as he does not get bumped into repairing peoples biolasers or curing unhealthy Chargers or AquaLungs, he is happy.  Someday he would like to be able to have some bioapps of his own, but his current line of work all-but requires him to be able to Format to his patient, and his patients are usually *big.*  He has access to the equipment that is required to expunge his link to the large bioapps and ships that he typically bonds to, but he cannot simply abuse this equipment at his whim, nor is the process easy.


He enjoys 'testing' the equipment that he repairs and maintains, most especially in the case of biofighters and craft.