··· Flexion:  With this Technique a Biokinetic can endure frightening amounts of harm with little apparent effect.  His skin and tissues and organs paradoxically soften and bend beneath any strike, and yet do not break or rupture, retaining a superhuman cohesive strength in their contortions.  This power is thought to be related to both Molding and Gross Manipulation as it causes similar and seemingly contradictory changes in the tissues of the Psion.


System:  Roll Psi and spend 1 point.  For minutes equal to the number of successes rolled, the Psion treats Lethal injuries as Bashing, gaining a Stamina Soak.  Lethal damage taken from bullets, blades or similar deadly blows (NOT fire, laser or similar energies!) during the powers duration only manifest as bruising, they do not become Lethal damage again at powers end, and so are healed much faster than would otherwise be expected.  For the purposes of Bashing damage, the Psion halves (round down) any Bashing harm from blows (not electricity, heat or similar forces) before even rolling Stamina to Soak.  If the Psion takes enough seven Bashing HT levels, whether from a source that is actual Bashing, or would normally be counted as Lethal harm, any excess damage becomes Lethal, as normal.