·· Multiplicity of Function:  This technique clearly derives from Exclusivity, above, but allows the Psion to only to adapt fully to a specific environment without sacrificing his current advantages, not simply to enhance performance in a standard situation.


System:  Roll Psi and spend a point.  The effect reduces one level of penalty or Difficulty at one success, 2 at 3 successes and any at 5 successes to any rolls involving the specific environment adapted to.  Thus, adapting to an aquatic environment might create changes to the eyes and other senses to eliminate the Perception penalties that would be imposed upon an unmodified human, changes to the fatty tissues to protect against the chilling depths and improve streamlining, which, with the addition of webs on the hands and feet would eliminate penalties imposed from the chill and in moving through the water itself.  Less visible changes would protect the diver from the crushing pressure, nitrogen narcosis and similar effects.  The Psion would not gain the ability to breathe water from this technique, but his body would otherwise be perfectly suited for an aquatic existence with a good roll.  This effect lasts 1 minute per permanent Psi at this level and increases to Psi hours at Adaptation 4.