···· Embrittle:  This technique allows the Psion to select an item and purge it of almost all heat, inflicting Bashing damage from the subzero temperatures to anyone contacting it, and causing structural damage to the item itself from the sudden drop in temperature.  As if this were not enough, such an item will be more susceptible to impact and temperature related trauma for the duration!  This power is simply the power of Flash Freeze applied to solid structures and not merely to liquids.


System:  Spend 1 Psi and roll.  Each success counts as a level of ‘freezing’ structural damage inflicted upon an item (which can be any unliving item equal or less in weight to the amount the Cryokinetic could lift if his Psi replaced his Might on the appropriate chart; homeothermic beings resist this power automatically, and even cold-blooded creatures get to roll Resistance in a Resisted Roll vs the Psion, Bioapps using a number generated by the ST, based on Tolerance and size (more of either is better)).  Each success translates into 1 level of ‘Lethal’ damage to the item (ST’s discretion how much it will take to destroy an item or render it non-functional, but generally the bigger the item, the more damage it can take, I recommend using the weight / Might chart and requiring at least two successes to disable per Might required to heft such an item and 4 / Might required to destroy an object outright).  This also inflicts that many Bashing HT levels (soakable with Stamina normally) upon any subject in close proximity to this item and reduces the items Soak pool (if any) by 1 per success.  If the item has no Soak pool, it will take +1 die of damage per success from any sharp impact or sudden heating attack.  The extra effects beyond straight structural harm (Bashing to users, reduced Soak, increased vulnerability) do not fade all at once, but reduce by 1 die / turn after the first.  Items capable of self-regulating their temperatures (devices with life-support for example) are targeted at +1 Difficulty.  The range for this power is Psi x 5 meters and at Cryokinesis 5; the Psion becomes capable of affecting multiple items up to his Psi rating.


Example:  A Cryokinetic uses Embrittle on your Armor Vest and scores 3 successes.  2 is all that is required to ‘disable’ the device, but the ST rules that since it has no moving parts, it cannot be disabled.  However, you take 3 Bashing immediately, 2 the next turn and 1 the third from such close contact with the frozen vest and it has -3 to its Soak ratings for the first turn, -2 for the second turn and -1 for the third turn, at which point the effect ceases and the item (assuming that it has survived the interim) is merely very cold and stiff.