···· Clamor:  This power derives from the previous one and instead augments and intensifies the agitation of molecules in the area (making this power all but useless in vacuum), but not into the production / conveyance of heat energy as with Pyrokinesis, but instead into the faultless and ceaseless reproduction of sounds.  Generally this ability is only used to intensify a single loud effect to disorient or even harm others, but rumors exist that more surgical variations on this power exist that allow a user with some skill to surgically to warp the speech or sounds produced by another source for tactical reasons of deception.  This power does not create sound, it only causes the molecules in the area, which would normally carry the vibrations from one to the other and thus transfer the sound through the air to retain the vibration, allowing each sound vibrating molecule in the area to retain its vibration even after repeated contacts, allowing a sound to be amplified dozens of times in a mere instant!


System:  Roll Psi and spend a point.  So long as a suitable racket is available (such as a Sonic weapon, explosion or several people screaming) the Psion can intensify the noise into a deafening inescapable clamor, causing all within the area of a Psi meter radius area (which can be created anywhere within view and a Psi x10 meter range) to suffer 1 Bashing HT level of damage per success on the initial Psi roll.  The damage can be Soaked normally with Stamina, although any non-sealed armor is no use.  Even if the subject takes no damage he or she must make a cross-checked roll between his Resistance and the users initial Psi roll or be at +1 to all Difficulties due to disorientation for the duration.  The duration of this intensification is generally a single turn, but so long as the base sound remains to be augmented, the Psion may spend another Psi point to maintain the effect, foregoing any need for a new Psi roll.  While the effect is obviously loud and noticeable, the intensified sounds do not transmit beyond the area of effect as the sound itself is careening around the affected area and relatively little of it is making it beyond the spherical area of effect.  At Telekinesis 5, the Psion becomes capable of intensifying even normal sounds to this level, foregoing the need for a source of high-intensity sound.