···· Gravitics: This Technique may or may not affect actual gravity, as per the ST’s own thoughts on whether Telekinetic effects have any basis in gravitic manipulation.  In either event, it increases or decreases the effective weight of a person or thing, pulling down (or up) on all of the molecules of its structure evenly.  A complete target must be selected, a Psion cannot choose to make ones head alone increase vastly in weight or a moving vehicle shear itself in half by selectively altering weights throughout the structure.


System: First, consult the Mass chart on p 234 and use the characters Psi rating to determine ‘Might.’  If the item or person to be affected is within these limits, it may be affected by this Technique.  As always, roll permanent Psi and spend a point.  Against an inanimate item, the Psion may adjust the items Mass by up to his Mode rating (1 to 5 levels on the aforementioned chart) plus as many successes he rolled on the initial Psi roll for as long as he wishes to maintain concentration on the effect.  A person is able to resist, however feebly, and can roll their own Psi to cancel out the Psions successes, and successes DO matter for living targets as the Mass of a living being can only be increased or decreased by as many levels as the Psion scored successes, the Mode rating is NOT added to this effect.  Range is Psi x10 meters, and if the item or person moves (or ‘falls’) beyond this range, the effect ends instantly (and the person could fall back to earth if made to ‘fall’ up and away!).


If the Mass rating of oneself, or ones gear, increases beyond twice ones Encumbrance level, one is dragged to the ground and begins to be crushed at 1 damage die per extra ‘level’ of Mass over your Encumbrance.  A quick review of the Encumbrance rules on p 233 is a must for use of this effect.


If the Mass rating drops below the 1 Might range, an item drops to a ‘zero level’ and is effectively weightless (thought not MASS-less, the difference is important, as anyone who works in zero-G can attest).  Each additional level of effect beyond this zero level takes the effect back one step on the chart, but in NEGATIVE effective Mass.  Even one success at this point will cause an unsecured item or person to simply ‘fall’ up into the sky!


This is a complex and powerful Technique, not to be lightly introduced.